Wednesday 26 July 2017

To show Patience and to Forgive are Acts of Great Courage

Those who will not seek guidance from Quran-e-Karim, will be put to hardship and troubles even in this life and short of Sustenance. and in hereafter, the punishment of Hell.

Those who neglect Quran would be punished.

Those who interpret falsely and incorrectly the meanings of the verses of Quran creating disputes, would face great punishments.

Those Foremost (in Faith) will be foremost (in the Hereafter)


Satans They Mislead People from the Guidance.

Satan Misleads by whispering evil to the heart (waswas).

Satan desires to lead Mankind astray into far error.

Satan are Created also among Humans and Jinns.

On the Day of Judgment All Mankind Will Stand Before the Lord of the Worlds.

Man’s Self often Lures Him To Evil.

Man knows Allah but misled by satan...

He who Forgives shall Be Rewarded by ALLAH.

Good deeds wipes out the evil deeds.

Good and Bad Destiny depends on human actions.

God made stars the decoration of skies. (Clear proof of existence of God).

Everyone Should Seek ALLAH’s Refuge from the Accursed Satan.

Divine Tablet (Looh-e-Mahfooz). Events (Destinies) to happen are Written in it.

Divine Covenant.

Destiny (fate) written in the beginning in Divine Tablet (Looh-e-Mahfooz).

ALLAH’s Commandments. Seeking Refuge In ALLAH.

ALLAH’s Commandments. About Guidance Hidayat.

ALLAH will Ignore Some Bad Deeds Of Doers of Good.

All Things Are For Mankind.

All the Universe including Earth and Skies is ruled by Allah and everything is under His control. (Divine power).