Saturday 7 July 2018

list of amal wazaif for protection for different things hifazat k liye

for protection for different things hifazat k liye.

(1) for security.

 recite ya allahu several times daily, you will be safe and your house will be secured against evil things.

(2) to protect against danger.

if someone is afraid that something bad will befall on him/her, then recite ya rahmanu ya rahimu 100 times the person will be protected from unwanted happenings
or from any uncertainties. the person will also die with iman or faith.
to be safe from disaster.

(3) to be safe from disaster. to be safe from epidemy.

recite ya quddusu 1000 times you will be safe from disaster.
to be safe from epidemy.

(4) protection against general sickness and epidemy.

recite ya salamu 115 times daily for protection against general sickness and epidemy. 

(5) protection of wealth and person.

recite  ya mumino 136 times for protection of the person and wealth from danger. may be recited any time when leaving the house etc.

(6) safe from danger.

whoever always recites ya mumino will be safe from any danger. it should be recited 36 times daily. if you recite 126 times your properties also will be safeguarded.

(7) for protection of the person/free from worries.

after jumm'ah ablution or ghusul for jumm'ah (the islamic bath), the person should do two rakaat sunnat and after the sunnat then read 115 times ya muhaimino the person will get protection until next jumm'ah from any worries.

(8) protection against enemies.

read ya jabbaru 100 times after awalaat ul asr for protection against enemies..

(9) to be safe from danger.

to be guarded from dangers recite ya khaliqu 100 times when you feel threatened you will be safe. it will also help clean your heart.

(10) to be safe destruction.

recite ya bariyu 100 times in the day, the person and his belongings will be safe
from destruction. that person will not be affraid in the grave..

(11) protection from harm.

recite ya qaabidh 100 times with the intention of preventing evil person from harming you or other prople, the evil person will be stopped from doing so.

(12) protection from evil person harm.

by reciting ya rafio 70 times when an evil person wants to cause harm allah will protect you.

(13) protection against extortions thefts robbery ans cheating.

by reciting ya rafio 70 times daily especially at night allah will protect you from theft, robbery, extortions and cheating etc..

(14) for protection against evil doers.

recite ya muzillu 75 times will give you protection against evil doers.

(15) against enemies.

recite ya muzillu 1000 times for 7 days, no enemies will come to disturb you.

(16) protection from bad deeds.

recite ya adlu 100 times after juma'ah namaz prayer you will be protect from bad deeds and actions.
Note: read after every juma'ah.

(17) protection against wild animals.

if you are in a forest and you are endangered by wild animals or poisonous animals, then recite ya hafizu 99 times you will be protected. 

(18) protection against flood famine.

for protection against flood  and famine or storms etc, recite ya hafizu 16 times allah so willing, you will be protected.

(19) protection against major problems accidents,  jinn, etc etc.

recite after fajr namaz prayer or after maghrib namaz prayer 11 times to be safe from accidents etc blow on kids who have scary dreams. it protects from jinn and shaitan.

(20) protection against theft.

afraid of losing your belongings or of other people's harmful actions against you? then recite ya hasibu 70 times for protection.  

(21) protection against mischief.

if you are travelling and have fears that your wife and children may do mischievous things (adultery etc), then recite ya raqibu 7 times your wife children will not do any bad deeds. you must put your hand on your wife's neck when reciting this.

(22) for protection of wealth.

recite ya raqibu 50 times with the intention that you ask allah to protect your wealth, then it will be done as such.

(27) protection against adultery and fornication.

recite ya matiino 10 times and blow on male or female children for protection against adultery or fornication (zina) they will not fall into such things.

(28) protection against bad things.

(1) recite ya waliyu 250 times then blow on water to pray on the walls of your house, compound, shop etc allah will protect these against bad things.
(2) when doing construction recite same and spray water in the underground foundation. make sure you do not step on the water at any of these times.

(29) for safety during journeys.

recite ya qayyumu many time during ship journeys and you will be protected against storm or heavy waves.

(30) to guard from poverty.

recite ya samadu 40 times a day, you will be guarded from poverty.

(31) for safe day/night.

recite ya muqtadiru 111 times when get up from bed, your day and night will pass on peacefully.

(32) against enemy domination.

a person who has suffered the domination of the enemies of islam recite ya muqadimu 41 times. protrection will come from allah the visible and the invisible way.
things will be placed in their right order. at war you will be protected against bodily harm as well as spiritual harm. an entire army can be saved from destruction while reciting ya muqadimu during warfare.

(33) for protection.

if you recite ya wali every time allah will protect you in every ways. recite many time and blow in the house.

(34) lightning will not strike.

if you fears that lightning might strike your house then recite many time ya wali and blow into the house. there will be protection.

(35) to be safe from danger enemies or bad weather.

in case you feel severely threatened by enemies or endangered by bad weather etc, then recite ya wali 1000 times at the moment of the crisis you will be protected.

(36) for safe travel.

when travelling recite ya barru 7 times you and your family will be protected from any danger during the travel. the same applies for other persons who are travelling. you can read for them too.

(37) pregnancy.

for safe period of pregnancy, to protect against illnesses during pregnancy, you must recite ya zul jalali wal ikram 11 times every day. and blow on water and drink. this will bear you the fruits of your extreme patience with a good delivery.

(38) protection against bad actions.

you may have bad thoughts. before these thoughts turn into a actions, recite ya muqsitu 21 times you will be protected.

(39) protection from harm.

for you to be protected from harm by others recite ya manio 161 times after swalaat sunnat fajr namaz (before farz of fajr) no harm will befall you.

(40) protection against enemies.

the person who reads ya zarru 100 times at night will not be harmed by enemies if any. they will not be able to do anything against the person allah will shower all his grace on the person who will be closer and closer to him.

(41) for safety house protection.

recite ya zurru 300 times after juma'ah namaz prayer you house will be protected.
Note: read after every jumaah so you be protected for every week.

(42) protection from dangers.

recite ya zurru 100 times every friday night and you will be protected from any dangers. you will be nearer to allah the creator of mankind says he always comes nearer to the mukmin who devotes time and energy as well as fortune in the path of truth. you may well feel the presence of allah in your everyday life for allah is the omnipresent.

(43) for travel safe. 

if you are travelling and you suspect the conditions to be unsafe, recite surah fatiha
and recite 1000 times ya nafio the friday night before your travel or during your travel you will be blessed with allah's protection.

(44) protection from disaster.

for protection from disasters recite ya baaqiy 100 times before sunrise you will be protected for the rest of your life if you recite everyday. your bad deeds will also forgiven.

(45) protection aganist danger.

before sunrise, recite ya saburu 100 times no danger will befall on you that day.

(46) for protection from harm jinn safety from  all types of accidents, including drowning.

If recited ya hafizu 998 times no one will harm the reciter, and it drives away fear, and keeps safe from all types of accidents, including drowning.

(47) to be safe from tyrant.

To keep oneself safe from tyrant recite 8 times ya jabbaru  daily.

(48) safety from evil of all harmful creatures.

If recited ya jabbaru 8 times at the time of sunrise and sunset, the reciter is kept safe from the evil of all harmful creatures.

(49) to be safe from the calamities of the heavens and the earth.

If recited ya khaliqu 731 times for one week, it keeps the reciter safe from the calamities of the heavens and the earth.

(50) to be safe from the evil of men and jinn; and safeguards against adverse circumstances.

If recited ya muminu 136 times daily it keeps the reciter safe from the evil of men and jinn; and safeguards against adverse circumstances.

(51) to be safe from all possible accidents; and to help to overcome all difficulties in daily life.

If recited in thousands (kasrat se) ya muhaiminu daily after obligatory prayers,  angels are appointed to save the reciter from all possible accidents; and to help to overcome all difficulties in daily life.

(52) To avert the danger of miscarriage.

To avert the danger of miscarriage recite ya mubdiyu 56 times over the belly of the pregnant mother.

(53) allah's protection.

If recited ya muheetu many times in thousands (kasrat se) regularly, Allah keeps the reciter under His protection.

(54) To keep away a threatening evil.

To keep away a threatening evil recite ya qarebu 312 times daily.

(55) protection for children.

(a) If recited ya rabbu a great deal regularly in thousands (kasrat se), Allah will keep your children under His protection {Religious scholars say that it could be the ismi aa'z'am, the great name of Allah}.
(b) Recite a great deal always in thousands (kasrat se) to receive unending bounties and favours from Allah.

(56) to endure any misfortune or setback in life.

Recite ya sabooro 298 times to endure any misfortune or setback in life.

(57) To remain safe from the cruelty of an unjust person.

To remain safe from the cruelty of an unjust person recite ya tawwabu 13 times. daily.

(58) permanent protection of Allah.

To seek permanent protection of Allah, recite ya wariso a great deal regularly in thousands (kasrat se).

(63) to  be safe from troubles.

One who recites this name ya rashidu 1000 times between Maghrib and Isha Namaz will be safe from troubles.

(64) For staying safe from Back Biting/Gheebat.

read ya jabbariu 100 times after every namaz prayer daily.

(65) For staying safe/Having protection from enemy/

read ya khaliqu 300 times daily.

(67) to be safe from all calamities.

recite ya salamu abundantly read in thousands (kasrat se) daily it will keep you safe from all calamities.

(68) safe from harm.

whoever recites ya mumino at the time of fear for 360 times you will remain safe from any sort of harm and will always be sheltered by allah by the means.

(69) to remain safe the oppressors.

one who recites ya jabbaru 226 times morning and 226 times evening will remain safe from oppressors.

(70) safe from all calamities.

read 12 times ya azeemu daily you will be safe from all calamities.

(71) safe from miscarriage.

by reading ya mubdio 99 times then blowing on the belly of a pregnat woman it will keep her safe from miscarriage.

(72) to be safe from illness.

read ya muhyiyu 89 times and blow on youeself you will remain safe from illness.

(73) to remain safe from all harm.

one who recites ya baqiyu 1000 times on friday night will remain safe from all harms and all his virtues will be accepted by allah.

(74) will be sprared of calamities and hardships.

one who reads ya warisu  at sunrise for 100 times will be sprared of calamities and hardships.

(75) to remain safe all day.

one who recites it before sunrise ya saburo 100 times will remain safe that day.

(77) To protect the house from theft and enemies.

To protect the house from theft and enemies recite  (Ya Raqeebu) three times and blow on all four corners of the house. Allah will protect the house.

(78) Protection from an Accident.

Before travelling, whether it is on a train, bus, taxi or any other means of transport, recite ya nafio a few times. This will protect one from any accidents occurring.

(79) to protect pregnancy.

read ya hayyu ya qayyumu 111 times daily to protect your pregnancy (hamal ki hifazat k liye) it will safe your pregnancy from all harm and also will make it easy at the time of delivery.

(80)  to protect your pregnancy.

read durood ibrahim 11 times then ya raqibu 1248 times then 11 times durood ibrahim daily to protect your pregnancy (hamal ki hifazat k liye).

(81)  to protect your pregnancy.

read after fajr and after maghrib ya raqibu 624 times daily  for protection for pregnancy (hamal ki hifazat k liye).

(82) for goods to be protected.

if you read ya jalilu 10 times and then blow on your goods your goods will be protected from theft..

(83) allah's protection.

one who recites ya muhsi 10 times after fajr namaz prayer will be under allah protection.

(84) for protection for family kids house on one self.

if one reads ya raqibu 70 times then blow on one self you will be protected or blow on your house your house will be protected or blow on your family kids they will be protected or blow on your goods they will be protected.

(85) protection for body harm.

if someone fears that someone or some things might wound him or injure him for protection for body harm then read on jumaah friday after isha namaz prayer read 11 times durood ibrahim then ya zurru ya nafio 100 times then durood ibrahim 11 times. do like this every friday after isha namaz prayer you will be protected for a week.

(87) for allah's protection.

one who recites ya raqibu 7 times will be under allah's protection that day.

(88) for allah''s protection.

one who recites ya wakilu 7 times everyday after asr namaz prayer will be under allah's protection.

(89) for allah's protection.

one who recites ya rahimu 7 times will be under allah's protection that day.

(90) for hifazat.

read ya afuwu 45 times daily then blow on your self.

(91) to be protected from evil eye (nazar) .

if some one is all the time gets effected with evil eye then he should do this amal for hifazat protection read 3 times durood ibrahim then 111 ya barru then 3 times durood ibrahim then blow on water then drink that water you will be protected that day from evil eye.

(92) for protection from evil eye (nazar e bud).

read ya barru 7 times then blow on your kids or yourself you will be protected that day from nazar e bud evil eye.

(93) for your goods to be protected.

read ya hasibu 10 times and then blow on your goods your goods will be protected.

(94) safeguard you against all adversities

If you recite  ya khaliqu 100 times for 7 days, Allah will safeguard you against all adversities.

(95) protection from evils of envious persons, oppressors and enemies

read ya mozilo 75 times, Allah will protect you from the evils of envious persons, oppressors and enemies.

(96) protection against the evil of the person or thing you fear.

read (Hasbiyallaahul-Haseebu) 70 times in the morning and 70 times at night for eight days starting from Thursday, Allah will grant you protection against the evil of the person or thing you fear. Insha-Allah.

(97) Allah will safeguard you against all obstacles and bondages

If you recite ya muhyi 89 times and blow on yourself, Allah will safeguard you against all obstacles and bondages.

(98) protection for your child protection from calamities

If you recite this name of Allah 7 times and blow on your child soon after birth, Allah will grant your child protection from calamities until puberty. Insha-Allah.
(99) Allah will safeguard you against all calamities.
If you recite ya manio constantly, daily Allah will safeguard you against all calamities.

(100) allah will safeguard you against all physical and spiritual calamities and draw you nearer to him.

recite ya zarru 100 times on the eve of Jumma (Friday), Allah will safeguard you against all physical and spiritual calamities and draw you nearer to Allah. Insha-Allah

(101) Allah will grant you protection and accept all your good deeds.

recite ya baqi 1000 times on the night of Jumma (Friday), Allah will grant you protection and accept all your good deeds. Insha-Allah.

(102) protection against all sorrows, hardships and calamities confusions, agitations and disturbances.

If you recite ya wariso 100 times at sunrise, Allah will protect you against all sorrows, hardships and calamities and you will die as a Mu'min (believer). if you recite ya wariso 1000 times between Maghrib and Isha Salaah (prayer), Allah will safeguard you from confusions, agitations and disturbances. Insha-Allah.

(103) Allah will safeguard you against all calamities and enemies.

If you recite ya saburo 100 times before sunrise, Allah will safeguard you against all calamities for the remainder of the day and prevent your enemies from uttering a single word against you.

(104) protection from illness.

whoever recite 10 times ya majidu and then blow on water or drink and then drinks it, you will not fall (seriously) ill. you can do oftan or daily this wazaif amal.

(105)  protection from bodily harm.

for relief from sickness recite ya azeemu 12 times a day, daily your sickness will be cured very fast. you will be protected from bodily harm.

(106) to be safe from bad sickness.

to be safe from bad sickness read 3 times durood ibrahim then ya wakeelo 111 times then 3 times durood ibrahim read after every namaz prayer daily allah will protect you.

(107) for protection from sickness illness.

for protection from sickness illness read daily ya baqi all the times (kasrat se) read after every prayer namaz kasrat se you will be protected.

(108) protection from evil eye nazar e bud.

after fajr read ya hamidu 100 times you will be protected from evil eye (nazar bud). you can read daily or when you go out some were and think you might get evil eye nazar bud.

(109) protection from grave (i.e. punishment in the grave).

read durood ibrahim 21 times then ya kareemu 777 times then 21 times durood ibrahim for 105 days you will be you will be forgiven and you will be protected from grave (i.e. punishment in the grave).

(110) protection from grave (i.e. punishment in the grave).

after isha read 11 times durood ibrahim then read ya ahadu 1100 times then durood ibrahim 11 times for 300 days you will be protected from grave punishment (i.e. punishment in the grave).
Note: if you die while you doing this amal wazaif you will still be protected from grave punishment.

(111)  protection from grave (i.e. punishment in the grave). and lots of rewards

if you read ya muhsiyu all the time in day and night everyday ( abundantly) read in thousands (kasrat se) you will be protected from grave punishment (i.e. punishment in the grave) your grave will be full of rewards and you will get jannah paradise.

(112) protection from waswas
daytime read ya ghafooru 1286 times for forgiveness of sins and protection from waswas.

(112)  protection from waswas.

if you read ya ghaffaru abundantly (kasrat se) everyday it will keep you away from sins and also it will protect you from waswas.

(113) protection and cure for all spiritual diseases.

One who recites ya quddusu 118 times after Maghrib prayer will Insha-Allah be protected and cured from all spiritual diseases.

(114) to save your self from committing sins. and for allah's protection.

if a peron reads ya manio all the time (kasrat se) daily then he will be save from committing sins. and allah will have him in his protection
for protection from jinn jinnat look in my blog.
for protection from jadu black magic look in my blog.

list of amal wazaif for protection of allah

(1) whoever recites surah al-ma-un (surah 107) a 100 times after fajr alat allah would protect him till the next fajr salat.

(2) if someone recites surah lahab before going to sleep, allah would keep him in his protection.

(3) whoever reads surah ikhals ten time at the time of going out from the house remains in the protection of allah till he comes back.

(4) whoever recite surah layl  15 or 20 times before going to sleep, he would see pleasing dreams and no evil would come near him during his sleep, as he would be under allah's protection.

(5) whoever recites surah saba and surah fatir in the night would be in divine protection throughout the night, and whoever recites these two surah in the morning would be in divine protection throughout the day.

(6) whoever recites surah al-sajdah and surah fatir at the begining of the night would remain in divine protection.

(7) whoever recites surah qadr 15 times after the isha, would remain in allah's protection till the next night, and if he recites 7 times every night, allah would protect him till daybreak.

(8) whoever recites surah buruj while sitting on the bed, at night time before sleep he would remain in allah's protection till morning.

(9) whoever recites surah takusur at asr time would remain in allah's protection till the sunset next day.

(10) whoever recites surah takusur before going to sleep he would remaion in allah's protection, and hardships and worries of the grave not trouble him.

(11) one who recites ya raqibu 7 times will be under allah's protection that day.

(12) one who recites ya wakilu 7 times everyday after asr namaz prayer will be under allah's protection.

(13) one who recites ya rahimu 7 times will be under allah's protection that day.
allah's protection.

(14) one who recites ya muhsi 10 times after fajr namaz prayer will be under allah protection.
To seek permanent protection of Allah, recite ya wariso a great deal regularly in thousands (kasrat se).

(15) If recited ya muheetu many times in thousands (kasrat se) regularly, Allah keeps the reciter under His protection.

(16) if you recite ya wali every time allah will protect you in every ways. recite many time and blow in the house.

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Monday 2 July 2018

list of 34 amal wazaif for protection from evil eye nazar e bud and how to break evil eye nazar e bud

for evil eye..

(1) To get rid of nazar (evil eye) read surah quraish then blow on food then give it the effected person to eat it will get rid of the effect of evil eye nazar.

(2) read mauzatain i.e surah falaq and surah nas 3 times then blow on effected person and then blow on water then drink that water it will get rid of evil eye nazar.

(3) read 11 times surah kausar without bismillah and then blow the affected person both ears it will get rid of nazar evil eye.

(4) read 3 times each surah falaq surah nas surah fatiha ayat kursi and la hawla wala quwwata illa billahil aliyyil azim then blow the effected person it will get rid of nazar (evil eye).

(5) read 3 times surah muzammil then blow on the effected person or youe self it will get rid of nazar (evil eye) also if a person reads surah muzammil 1 time after maghrib and then blow on youe kid or effefted person they will be protected from nazar (evil eye).

(6) read durood ibrahim 1 time then surah fatiha 3 times then durood ibrahim 1time  then blow the effected person or yourself it will get rid of nazar (evil eye).

(7) read surah fatiha and 4 qul 7 times each then blow on water and blow on the effected person or youeself and drink that water it will get rid of nazar (evil eye).

(8) read durood ibrahim 11 times surah falaq surah nas 101 times then durood ibrahim 11 times do like this for 3 days it will get rid of nazar (evil eye).

(9) read durood ibrahim 1 time then surah ikhlas surah falaq surah nas 3 times each then durood ibrahim 1 time then blow on the effected person or yourself it will get rid of nazar (evil eye) also for protection if you read them that day you will be protected.

(10) for nazar evil eye on animal read durood ibrahim 1 time then surah ikhlas surah falaq surah nas 3 times each then durood ibrahim 1 time then blow on the animal and blow the animal food and give that food to the animal do like this for 3 days it will get rid of nazar (evil eye).

(11) read surah humazah 7 times and then blow on the effected person or yourself it will get rid of nazar (evil eye).

(12) read 10 times bismillah hir rahman nir raheem and then blow the effected person or yourself it will get rid of nazar (evil eye).

(13) read surah fatiha 10 times and then blow the effected person or yourself it will get rid of nazar (evil eye).

(14) read ayat kursi 1 times then ya hafizu 3 times and then blow on your kid or anyone you will be protected that day if you read at night time you will be protected that night.

(15) read 1 time surah muzammil then blow on effected person 3 times or blow on yourself if you are doving for yourself it will get rid of nazar (evil eye).

(16) for nazar evil eye on baby or small boy or girl read 3 times surah kausar and then blow on the baby do like this forc 3 days you will get cured.

(17) read durood ibrahim 1 time then surah kausar 1 time then durood ibrahim 1 time then make dua for yourself or if you are doving for someone else then make dua for them  insha-allah he will come out of the problem.

(18) before sleep ant night read durood ibrahim 3 times then surah qausar 7 times then durood ibrahim 3 times then blow on water and also on your hands and whole body, after that use this water to wash hands and mouth. this procedure will remove evil eye effects for whole day.

(19) befor go away read durood ibrahim 7 times then surah fatiha 3 times then ayat kursi 3 times then surah falaq 3 times then surah nas 3 times then durood ibrahim 7 times then blow on hands whole body. you will be protected from nazar evil eye and effects of magic for whole day.

(20) to be protected from evil eye (nazar) if some one is all the time gets effected with evil eye then he should do this amal for hifazat protection read 3 times durood ibrahim then 111 times ya barru then 3 times durood ibrahim then blow on water and drink that water you will be protected that day from evil eye nazar.

(21) how to protect youeself from evil eye nazar recite surah al-aadiyaat (surah 100) 41 times then blow on water then let the child drink that water (if you are doving for youeself then drink that water) do this continuously for 3 days the evil eye effects on the child will have vanished forever and he will be safeguarded from this in future also

(22) for the evil eye nazar if someone is affected by an evil eye, then recite ayat 51-52 surah qalam 11 times then blow on youeself you will be cured.

(23) for the evil eye nazar to break evil eye (nazar) then recite durood ibrahim 11 times then ayat 51-52 surah qalam 41 times then durood ibrahim 11 times do like this for 3 days you be cured.  

(24) for evil eye. after fajr read ya hamidu 100 times you will be protected from evil eye (nazar bud). you can read daily or when you go out some were and think you might get evil eye nazar bud

(25) for protection from evil eye (nazar e bud).  read ya barru 7 times then blow on your kids or yourself you will be protected that day from nazar e bud evil eye.

(26) if animal or man or anything else effected with ecvil eye then read 3 times mashallahu la quwwata illa billah on it it will get rid of evil eye (nazar).

(27) read 3 times surah falaq and 3 times surah nas then blow on your kid or if you reading it for yourself then blow on your self it will get rid of nazar evil eye.

(28) read 60 times la ilaha illallah and then blow on yourself or if you are doving for someone else then blow on him it will get rid of evil eye nazar.

(29) read 3 times bismillah hir rahman nir raheem mashallahu la hawla wala quwwata illa billah hil aliyyil azim then blow on yourself or on effected person for shifa cure from evil eye nazar.

(30) read surah humazah 1 times then blow on yourself or on effected person it will get rid of the evil eye nazar.

(31) read surah kausar 3 times then blow on yourself or if you are doving it for effected person then blow on him you will get cure.

(32) read surah falaq 1 time then surah nas 1 times then blow on your kid for protection from evil eye nazar.

(33) to grt rid of evil eye (nazar) then read 3 times durood ibrahim then bismillahi mashallahu la quwwata illa billah 11 times then durood ibrahim 3 times then blow on yourself or on effected person it will get rid of evil eye (nazar).

(34) read ayat kursi 1 time in the morning or daytime then blow on your kid or baby or yourself or anyone you will be protected all day from evil eye (nazar).