Monday 2 July 2018

list of 34 amal wazaif for protection from evil eye nazar e bud and how to break evil eye nazar e bud

for evil eye..

(1) To get rid of nazar (evil eye) read surah quraish then blow on food then give it the effected person to eat it will get rid of the effect of evil eye nazar.

(2) read mauzatain i.e surah falaq and surah nas 3 times then blow on effected person and then blow on water then drink that water it will get rid of evil eye nazar.

(3) read 11 times surah kausar without bismillah and then blow the affected person both ears it will get rid of nazar evil eye.

(4) read 3 times each surah falaq surah nas surah fatiha ayat kursi and la hawla wala quwwata illa billahil aliyyil azim then blow the effected person it will get rid of nazar (evil eye).

(5) read 3 times surah muzammil then blow on the effected person or youe self it will get rid of nazar (evil eye) also if a person reads surah muzammil 1 time after maghrib and then blow on youe kid or effefted person they will be protected from nazar (evil eye).

(6) read durood ibrahim 1 time then surah fatiha 3 times then durood ibrahim 1time  then blow the effected person or yourself it will get rid of nazar (evil eye).

(7) read surah fatiha and 4 qul 7 times each then blow on water and blow on the effected person or youeself and drink that water it will get rid of nazar (evil eye).

(8) read durood ibrahim 11 times surah falaq surah nas 101 times then durood ibrahim 11 times do like this for 3 days it will get rid of nazar (evil eye).

(9) read durood ibrahim 1 time then surah ikhlas surah falaq surah nas 3 times each then durood ibrahim 1 time then blow on the effected person or yourself it will get rid of nazar (evil eye) also for protection if you read them that day you will be protected.

(10) for nazar evil eye on animal read durood ibrahim 1 time then surah ikhlas surah falaq surah nas 3 times each then durood ibrahim 1 time then blow on the animal and blow the animal food and give that food to the animal do like this for 3 days it will get rid of nazar (evil eye).

(11) read surah humazah 7 times and then blow on the effected person or yourself it will get rid of nazar (evil eye).

(12) read 10 times bismillah hir rahman nir raheem and then blow the effected person or yourself it will get rid of nazar (evil eye).

(13) read surah fatiha 10 times and then blow the effected person or yourself it will get rid of nazar (evil eye).

(14) read ayat kursi 1 times then ya hafizu 3 times and then blow on your kid or anyone you will be protected that day if you read at night time you will be protected that night.

(15) read 1 time surah muzammil then blow on effected person 3 times or blow on yourself if you are doving for yourself it will get rid of nazar (evil eye).

(16) for nazar evil eye on baby or small boy or girl read 3 times surah kausar and then blow on the baby do like this forc 3 days you will get cured.

(17) read durood ibrahim 1 time then surah kausar 1 time then durood ibrahim 1 time then make dua for yourself or if you are doving for someone else then make dua for them  insha-allah he will come out of the problem.

(18) before sleep ant night read durood ibrahim 3 times then surah qausar 7 times then durood ibrahim 3 times then blow on water and also on your hands and whole body, after that use this water to wash hands and mouth. this procedure will remove evil eye effects for whole day.

(19) befor go away read durood ibrahim 7 times then surah fatiha 3 times then ayat kursi 3 times then surah falaq 3 times then surah nas 3 times then durood ibrahim 7 times then blow on hands whole body. you will be protected from nazar evil eye and effects of magic for whole day.

(20) to be protected from evil eye (nazar) if some one is all the time gets effected with evil eye then he should do this amal for hifazat protection read 3 times durood ibrahim then 111 times ya barru then 3 times durood ibrahim then blow on water and drink that water you will be protected that day from evil eye nazar.

(21) how to protect youeself from evil eye nazar recite surah al-aadiyaat (surah 100) 41 times then blow on water then let the child drink that water (if you are doving for youeself then drink that water) do this continuously for 3 days the evil eye effects on the child will have vanished forever and he will be safeguarded from this in future also

(22) for the evil eye nazar if someone is affected by an evil eye, then recite ayat 51-52 surah qalam 11 times then blow on youeself you will be cured.

(23) for the evil eye nazar to break evil eye (nazar) then recite durood ibrahim 11 times then ayat 51-52 surah qalam 41 times then durood ibrahim 11 times do like this for 3 days you be cured.  

(24) for evil eye. after fajr read ya hamidu 100 times you will be protected from evil eye (nazar bud). you can read daily or when you go out some were and think you might get evil eye nazar bud

(25) for protection from evil eye (nazar e bud).  read ya barru 7 times then blow on your kids or yourself you will be protected that day from nazar e bud evil eye.

(26) if animal or man or anything else effected with ecvil eye then read 3 times mashallahu la quwwata illa billah on it it will get rid of evil eye (nazar).

(27) read 3 times surah falaq and 3 times surah nas then blow on your kid or if you reading it for yourself then blow on your self it will get rid of nazar evil eye.

(28) read 60 times la ilaha illallah and then blow on yourself or if you are doving for someone else then blow on him it will get rid of evil eye nazar.

(29) read 3 times bismillah hir rahman nir raheem mashallahu la hawla wala quwwata illa billah hil aliyyil azim then blow on yourself or on effected person for shifa cure from evil eye nazar.

(30) read surah humazah 1 times then blow on yourself or on effected person it will get rid of the evil eye nazar.

(31) read surah kausar 3 times then blow on yourself or if you are doving it for effected person then blow on him you will get cure.

(32) read surah falaq 1 time then surah nas 1 times then blow on your kid for protection from evil eye nazar.

(33) to grt rid of evil eye (nazar) then read 3 times durood ibrahim then bismillahi mashallahu la quwwata illa billah 11 times then durood ibrahim 3 times then blow on yourself or on effected person it will get rid of evil eye (nazar).

(34) read ayat kursi 1 time in the morning or daytime then blow on your kid or baby or yourself or anyone you will be protected all day from evil eye (nazar).

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