Saturday 7 July 2018

list of amal wazaif for protection of allah

(1) whoever recites surah al-ma-un (surah 107) a 100 times after fajr alat allah would protect him till the next fajr salat.

(2) if someone recites surah lahab before going to sleep, allah would keep him in his protection.

(3) whoever reads surah ikhals ten time at the time of going out from the house remains in the protection of allah till he comes back.

(4) whoever recite surah layl  15 or 20 times before going to sleep, he would see pleasing dreams and no evil would come near him during his sleep, as he would be under allah's protection.

(5) whoever recites surah saba and surah fatir in the night would be in divine protection throughout the night, and whoever recites these two surah in the morning would be in divine protection throughout the day.

(6) whoever recites surah al-sajdah and surah fatir at the begining of the night would remain in divine protection.

(7) whoever recites surah qadr 15 times after the isha, would remain in allah's protection till the next night, and if he recites 7 times every night, allah would protect him till daybreak.

(8) whoever recites surah buruj while sitting on the bed, at night time before sleep he would remain in allah's protection till morning.

(9) whoever recites surah takusur at asr time would remain in allah's protection till the sunset next day.

(10) whoever recites surah takusur before going to sleep he would remaion in allah's protection, and hardships and worries of the grave not trouble him.

(11) one who recites ya raqibu 7 times will be under allah's protection that day.

(12) one who recites ya wakilu 7 times everyday after asr namaz prayer will be under allah's protection.

(13) one who recites ya rahimu 7 times will be under allah's protection that day.
allah's protection.

(14) one who recites ya muhsi 10 times after fajr namaz prayer will be under allah protection.
To seek permanent protection of Allah, recite ya wariso a great deal regularly in thousands (kasrat se).

(15) If recited ya muheetu many times in thousands (kasrat se) regularly, Allah keeps the reciter under His protection.

(16) if you recite ya wali every time allah will protect you in every ways. recite many time and blow in the house.

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