Sunday 3 June 2018

list of 102 amal wazaif wazifa for cure shifa for sickness illness bimari bimariyon healing power of asma ul husna allah's names

(1) Recite Ya hayyu frequently for  a long life and to cure sickness.

(2) Recite ya hayyu 70 times daily  to get cure from all type of diseases. and for maintained and balanced health..

(3) To maintain good health recite ya hayyu ya qayyuumu 3000 times daily. you will stay healthy and even if you fall sick you will recover very soon.

(4) If recited ya hayyu ya qayyuumu 12 times after every obligatory prayer regularly, it cures eye ailments and prolonged sickness.

(5) to kill lazyness. recite ya qayyumu 17 times and you will regain all the energy and envy to work. all worries will also dissappear.

(6) against sickness recite ya hayyu 30,000 times you will never fall sick. but you must recite daily.

(7) recite 3000 times ya hayyu daily will very sparingly fall ill. drinking water blown by it will cure the patient.

(8) Recite Ya muhyi 68 times after every salaa to cure a chronic illness. do daily till you get cure

(9) Recite ya waasiu 137 times to cure depression. do daily till you get cure

(10) Recite Ya majidu 100 times at iftar on the 13th, 14th & 15th of the Lunar month to cure sickness especially psoriasis, heart disease and depression.

(11) After 2 rakaats salaa recite it Ya lateefu 11 times for deliverance from poverty, illness, sickness, loneliness and misery.

(12) Regular recitation of Ya azeemu heals and cures diseases.

(13) To cure sickness, recite ya hafizu 40 times daily for 26 days.

(14) Recitation of ‘ya Kabeeru’ heals the burned part of the body.

(15) To cure headache recite ya mujeebu 55 times.

(16) To cure stomach-ache recite ya samadu 8 times.

(17)  (a) To cure any sickness or disease, recite ya shafi 391 times.
        (b) To keep away sickness and disease recite ya shafi a great deal regularly.

(18) the sick person who does not feel any relief, the reciting of ya allahu 1100 times between assar and magrib is very useful. after recitations, the person has to do blow on water and drink the water there will be relief.

(19) to heal sickness the recitation of ya slaamu 111 times or 160 times in front of a sick person will help that person recover, indeed this will be the case as long as it is not the time for the person to die. you must also blow on the person after you have finished your recitations. do daily till you get shia

(20) Recite Ya Salaamu 100 times to regain health. do daily till you get shifa

(21) Recite 160 times and blow on sick person for shifa. do daily till you get shifa

(22) protection and cure from all illnesses. read ya salaamu 131 times Thereafter, recite Ya MuHeetu 78 times one should blow on a glass of water and drink it or blow on a tablespoon of honey and lick it you will get cured.

(23) recite ya salaamu 115 times and blown on a sick person. Insha-Allah will restore his health.

(24) if a person reads this name ya salaamu 115 times and prays for an unhealthy person that person will get good health. do daily till the person gets cured

(25) read durood 11 times then Read Ya Salaamu 125,000 times then durood 11 times to cure incurable diseases like Cancer or any other sickness, after you don reading blow water and on the person and make dua for the illness for him or yourself and drink that water.

(26) for cancer read 3 times durood ibrahim then 131 times ya salaamu then 3 times durood ibrahim and then blow on water and drink that water do like this everyday till you get cured.

(27) read 111 times  ya salaamu and blow on patient and PRAY FOR PATIENT HEALTH . Do this 21 days.

(28) relief from all kind of illnesses whether standing sitting walking having performed ablution or not in other words all the time if one continuously recites ya salaamu one will be safeguarded against unforeseen calamities and worldly problems.

(29) reciting ya salaamu 33 times and blowing on water and then giving it to ill person to drink will remove all kind of illnesses. do like this daily till it's cured.

(30) for 7 nights consecutively recite ya bario read as much as you can 1 hour at least every night  it will heal any sickness the person is suffering from or may contract in the future.

(31) to recovery of sick person recite surah al-fatihah 1 time and 10 times ya haliimu near the ear of a sick person the person will recover.

(32) a sick person who recite ya azeemu 1020 times, will be relieved of the sickness. a healthy person who reads this will become a greatly honoured person.

(33) if you are struck by sickness, old age or if you are being dominated by someone then recite ya qawiyyu 111 times allah will help.

(34) water for sick. recite ya majidu 11 times and blow into a glass of water drink it the sick person will be cured.but of course you must continue your medication if any.

(35) in the event that you or anybody in your family has been determined to have a terminal sickness then for 21 days put a glass of water before you before you begin the wazaif read durood ibrahim 11 times then read ya zuljilale wal ikram 111 times then durood ibrahim 11 times then blow on water and offer it to the patient to drink or drink youself if you are doving it for yourself. you will get cured.

(36) for pain any part of body recite 1 times ya Mughniyu  blow on your hand and then rub your hand over the painful part of the body, relief will be obtained.

(37) whoever recite 10 times ya majidu and then blow on water or drink and then drinks it, will not fall (seriously) ill. you can do oftan or daily this wazaif amal.

(38) whoever recite ya wajidu 1 times on every morsel whilst eating, but read before you put the morsel in your mouth, that food will become nur (light) in his stomach and disease will be cured.

(39) To remain safe from illness recite 89 ya muhyiyu and then blow on youself will ramain safe from illness etc. daily

(40) by reciting 70 times ya ghaniyu daily will increase his sustenance. it will also cure any obvious or hidden disease.

(41) for incurable diseases recite ya allahu ya rahmaanu ya rahiimu. from asr tp magrib for 41 days then blow on a sick person or on yourself if you have incurable diseases it weill be cured. 

(42) for relief from sickness recite ya azeemu 12 times a day, daily your sickness will be cured very fast. you will be protected from bodily harm.

(43) (a) to cure sickness recite muhyi 199 times on a sick person and you do prayer (i.e do dua) the person will recover. the sickness may be cured. do daily till the sickness is cured,
       (b) if any sickness is bothering you all the time, recite ya muhyi 68 times after each swalaat farz the sicness will be terminated in no time. do daily till the sickness is cured

(44) for pain recite ya muhyi 100 times and blow on your body, if you suffer from acute pain it will stop.

(45) for pain relief pain in any part of you body, put your right hand at the location of the pain, recite ya ghaniyu 41 times you will get relief.

(46) for the weak soul. recite ya qadiru 100 times or 200 times after doing 2 rakaat nafil your weak body and soul will gain strength and you will face life in better dispositions.

(47) if someone is sick or ill to cure the sicknes you must recite ya azeemu al the times day night read in thousands (kasrat se) daily. you will get nijat from any type of sicknes.

(48) if someone is suffering from stomach pain then he needs to recite ya azeemu 7 times or 11 times and blow on water and drink that water you will get cured straight way.

(49) if some is ill or sick for long time then the sick person can read or member of family needs to read for 21 days read 5044 times  ya gafuroo and then blow on water and give the sick person to drink that water allah will make ways for shifa for him.

(50) if sick person reads daily morning and evening ya kabiru 90 times and blow on yourself and blow on water and drink that water very soon you will shifa.

(51) if there is disease or sickness is spreading in a town or city then to protect your self from it then read 3992 times  ya hafizu then blow on water then give the water to your family to drink they and you both will be protected. read daily.

(52) if a boy or baby is due to sickness getting weak his body is getting weak then on 100 gram sarso oil (mustard oil) for 7 days read ya jabbaru 1900 times then blow on oil and do massage on the body everyday for 7 days the boy will get better and stronge if someone baby or boy is weak and can't walk they can do this amal also for shifa.

(53) if someone after every namaz prayer reads on the head of sick patient ya qahharu 41 times then blow on the sick person head the sick person will get cure he will get health soon. do daily till you get cured.

(54) if a sick person reads ya latifu for 21 day daily 300 times he will get healty.

(55) if a person sick and the sickness don't go away then for 11 days daily read ya latifu 11000 times then blow on water and make dua for the person sickness and give him the water to drink allah will make  way (asbab) for the sick person to get better and get cured. 

(56) if person is sick then sit by near his head read ya haleemu ya salamu 1100 times daily and then blow water and blow on the sick person and give him water to drink the sickness will be reduced (Marz Ki Shiddat Me Kami Rehti Hai).

(57) if someone is suffering from sickness (koi Marz Ho Jo Dawa Se Bhi Thik Na Hota Ho) which after taking madicines he is not getting any cure read ya allahu 125000 times blow on water (have a big water bottle)
and then make dua for the person and for the sickness and give him that water everyday if the water is about to finish add more water in that water.

(58) if someone is suffering from some sickness and his family don every thing to help and they are fed up then after every namaz prayer read ya allahu 6 times and then blow on the sick person and then read ya allahu 66 times and blow on water and give him that water to drink do like this after every namaz prayer daily after some time the sick person will get shifa cure.

(59) if someone is suffering from stomach pain then he needs to recite ya  azeemu 11 times then blow on water and then drink that water the pain will go away.

(60) if someone is suffering from  cancer then for 40 weeks read 11 times durood ibrahim then ya hafizu 71 times then durood ibrahim 11 times then blow on water and then blow on the  person and give him the water to drink do like this everyday (i.e read everyday and blow on water and blow on sick person and give him the water to drink) after few weeks the sick person will get better and he will get nijat from cancer.

(61) easy cure for cancer read bismillah hir rahman nir raheem 3 times and then blow on haldi powder (turmeric powder) best way is have haldi poder few spoon put in a plate then read then blow on that powder the lick that powder and swallow it don't drink or eat anything after that  do this amal wazaif before sleep so you don't eat or drink any thing do like this every day till you get cure. it is very effective in short time you will get cure.

(62) cure for headache read 3 times ya mujeebu and then blow on person he will get relief straight away.

(63) to be safe from bad sickness read 3 times durood ibrahim then ya wakeelo 111 times then 3 times durood ibrahim read after every namaz prayer daily allah will protect you.

(64) shifa for sickness family member can do this read for 7 days read ya zarru ya nafio 201 times and then blow on the sick person the sickness will finish very soon.

(65) for protection from sickness illness then read ya majidu 10 times blow on (sharbat) juice and then drink it you will be protectted i am not sure if you read this wazaif amal everyday but best is to be safe read everyday.

(66) if you have pain in your body all the time then read ya ghaniyu all the time read walking sitting it will get rid of the pain.

(67) to control your nafs then read 7 times durood ibrahim then ya  quddusu 170 times then 7 times durood ibrahim daily soon you will stop doving bad things and you will start doving good deeds and once you control your nafs then you will be blessed with 3rd eye (kashf) note: dont do this amal wazaif if you don't wanna see hidden world.

(68) if some got pain in their ears then read ya samio 21 times then blow on the ear the person will get cure.

(69) if a person is sick then for 3 days read ya zal jalali wal ikram 100 times and then blow on water then give the sick person to drink in 3 day the person will get cure shifa.

(70) if a person is sick or ill and he wants nijat then read ya kabiru 90 times daily very soon he will get nijat from that sickness.

(71) to finish sickness or illness read like this bismillah hir rahman nir raheem ya salamu 3000 times for 3 days you will very soon get shifa cure.

(72) if due to sickness the person is getting weak then he needs to recite daily ya qadiru 100 times the sick person will get his strength back and he will get healthy.

(73) if a person reads surah alam nashrah 21 times daily allah will protect him and his family from sickness illness.

(74) for protection from sickness illness read daily ya baqi all the times (kasrat se) read after every prayer namaz kasrat se you will be protected.

(75) if someone is sick and he tried every  thing to get better then recite for 7 days read ya hafizu 1000 times and blow on the person very soon he will get better and he will get shifa cure.

(76) to control your anger recite ya khaliqu daily all the time day night after every namaz prayer (kasrat se) you will soon have control over your anger.

(77) for headache pain hold your head with right hand then read ya mujeebu 3 times then blow on the person head then read 5 times ya mujeebu and blow on the person then read 7 times ya mujeebu and blow the person then read 9 times ya mujeebu then blow on ther person then read 11 times ya mujeebu and blow the person the person will get cure.

(78) if a person is sick he need to recite ya muhyi all the times day and night in thousands (kasrat se) daily then blow on yourself if you are doving for your self if you doving for somr one else then blow on him if a person can't read then some one else can read for him and blow on him. do like this daily very soon  you will get cure shifa.

(79) if a person reads ya quddusu 1000 times in last part of night then sickness will go away from him i.e he will get cured. you read daily till you are cured.

(80) if a person reads ya kabiru 9 times on sick person he will get get better. do daily till the person gets better.

(81) for headache pain read 30 times bismillah hir rahman nir raheem then blow on the person he will get cure.

(82) for any type of pain on your body then read la ilaha illallah 71 times then blow yourself or on the person with pain you will get cure.

(83) to conrrol your nafs read after zhur namaz prayer ya zuljalali wal ikram 313 times daily soon you will have the control.

(84) for headache pain (sar dard) read in one breath i.e hold your breath and then put your hand on the person head then read ya wahabu 14 times then blow on the person he will get cured.

(85) to cure sickness read daily bismillah hir rahman nir raheem 70 times and then blow on the sick person you will get shifa soon.

(86) if a sick person reads ya azeemu ya hayyu all the times morning daytime night times everyday read in thousands (kasrat se) very soon the sick person will get better. do the reading max 41 days.

(87) if a sick person reads after any namaz prayer read ya azeemu 120 times daily then very soon he will get better. do daily or at lest 41 days
read ya hayyu 21 times  then blow on the sick person very soon he will get better do daily till the person gets better do at least 41 days max if someone reads ya hayyu all the time (kasrat se) daily then he will stay healthy.

(88) read in the morning or daytime surah fatiha 41 times then blow on yourself and on your hands wipe over your body withe your hands and also in the morning or daytime read surah fatiha 41 times then blow on water then drink that water all day when you can. and also read in the morning or daytime ya salamu 143 times then blow on yourself and your hands then wipe over your body do daily or max 41 day with in few days you will get better and you will get cure shifa.

(89)if someone got chest pain for some time it's not goving away then read after fajr and after isha namaz prayer durood ibrahim 11 times then ya muhyi 121 times then durood ubrahim 11 times then blow on your chest do the amal wazaif for few days you will get cure.

(90) if a sick person is given medicine on which this name ya majidu has been recited 10 times and blow over, then the sick person gets cured quickly.

(91) Dua for high and low blood pressure.
if you suffer from blood pressure be it low or high then invoke the following invocation Arnd see the benefits
recite Ya Kabeeru” 9 times, blow into a glass of water and then drink the water. Do this every day at least once at any time of the day.

(92) for shifa (cure) effect in medicine read surah fatiha 11 times then ya samadu 41 times then blow on medicine you must blow on the medicine that you will take for that day only (i.e. take then medicine out from the bottle or packaging for that day only then blow on them do like this everyday you will get cure shifa very quickly

(93) for cure shifa for any stomach illness before you eat read ya mometo 11 times then eat your food daily you will get cure shifa.

(94) for any sickness read (allahu wa liyu) 1100 times then make dua for the sickness do daily till you get cured.

(95) if you wanna stay safe from sickness then read ya hayyu 100 times daily you will be protected and you will have peace in life.

(96) for cure from illness read 1000 times daily  ya ahadu

(97) for medicine to work on you read ya ghaffaru daily 180 times then blow on medicine and then eat or drink that medicine it will effect you and you will get cure soon.

(98) if someone is very sick due to illness then read all the time ya hayyu ya qayyumu (kasrat se) i.e in thousands morning daytime evening everyday till you get cure if you can't do this then read 11000 time then blow on water then drink that water if you are doving for sick person then give him that water to drink do like this for 11 days. you will get cure.

(99) for fever ( bukhar ) read in the morning read durood ibrahim 11 times then 21 times ya musawwiru then durood ibrahim 11 times then blow on water and then drink that water first thing in the morning you will get cure shifa.

(100) if sick person reads ya wariso 100 times daytime he's sickness will reduce

(101) for stomach pain if someone reads ya azeemu 7 times daily then blow on water and drink that water he will not have stomach pain rest of his life or if you have stomach pain then read 7 times ya azeemu then blow on water then drink that water you will get shifa cure.

(102) for any illness read 7 times bismillah hir rahman nir raheem ya hafizu ya salamu ya nafio ya baqi ya kareemu ya ghaffaru ya hadiyu then blow youeself if you are doving for yourself if you are doving for sick person then blow on him do like this daily till you get cure or do max 41 days.

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