Friday 8 June 2018

list of 87 wazaif wazifa amal for forgiveness and how to protect yourself from sins power of asma ul husna

for forgiveness and how to protect yourself from sins.

(1) ya akramu If recited a great deal before going to sleep, angels are appointed to ask forgiveness throughout the night for the person, who has recited ya akramu.

(2) ya ghaffaru (The Oft-Forgiver) If recited 1281 times after Friday prayers regularly, Allah, if He so wills, absolves the reciter from the accountability of all sins.

(3) ya ghafooru (The Forgiver) If recited 17 times after every obligatory prayer regularly, Allah forgives all the sins of the reciter, if Allah so wills.

(4) ya Mu akhkhiru  If recited regularly, Allah, if He so wills, forgives the sins of the reciter.

(5) ya afuwu One who recites this name frequently,(abundantly) his sins will be pardoned.

(6) ya tawwabu One who recites this name frequently,( abundantly) his repentance will be accepted.

(7) Ya-Afuwu The one who recites ‘Ya-Afuw-wu’ 117 times after every prayers insha Allah all his sins will be pardoned

(8) Ya-Tawwabu After every prayer 420 times ‘Ya-Tawwab’ should be recited insha Allah will be blessed with true repentance.

(9) One should recite ‘Ya-Barru’ 213 times daily before sleeping, this will insha Allah relieve him of sins

(10) By reciting ‘Ya-Muakkhiru’ 857 times after every prayer, soon sincere repentance will be resorted.

(11) According to hadith the one who recites Yaa Rabbi! Ighfirlee My Lord! Forgive me! thrice in sajdha, Allah will forgive all his sins.

(12) A person who recites this name Ya-Ghaffaru 1392 times after Jumaah prayer and daily 100 times after Asr prayer will be forgiven to his sins. Insha-Allah.

(13) read daily ya ghafooru (The Forgiver) 100 times morning and 100 times evening for forgiveness of sins.

(14) read daily ya afuwu 100 times morning and 100 times evening or you can read few times after each namaz prayer for forgiveness of sins.

(15) read durood ibrahim 21 times then ya kareemu 777 times then 21 times durood ibrahim for 105 days you will be you will be forgiven and you will be protected from grave (i.e. punishment in the grave).

(16) after isha read 11 times durood ibrahim then read ya ahadu 1100 times then durood ibrahim 11 times for 300 days you will be protected from grave punishment (i.e. punishment in the grave).
Note: if you die while you doing this amal wazaif you will still be protected from grave punishment.

(17) if you read ya muhsiyu all the time in day and night everyday ( abundantly) read in thousands (kasrat se) you will be protected from grave punishment (i.e. punishment in the grave) your grave will be full of rewards and you will get  jannah paradise.

(18) if you want allah to give you sincere tawbah tofik then before sleep read 7 times durood ibrahim then ya tawabu 409 times then 7 times durood ibrahim for 21 days allah will give you sincere tawbah tofik also if you read before sleep read 5 times durood ibrahim then ya tawabu 31 times then 5 times durood ibrahim everyday your tawbah will not break till judgement day.

(19) read 5 times durood ibrahim then ya afuwu 100 times then 5 times durood ibrahim daily  for forgiveness of sins.

(20) whoever recites ya gaffaaru 100 times after swalaat ul jummah the person's wrong doings and grievious sins will be forgiven.

(21) do sujud (prosternate) and recite ya gaffuuru (al forgiving) 100 times and your future sins will be forgiven. you will be protected against bad actions. however you should not repeat those sins again.

(22) for repentance if a person concedes to be a sinner and repentr to allah after reciting ya mu'akhkhiru 300 times, there will be mercy on that person the doors of repentance will be opened and your sins will be forgiven. 

(23) for repentance. if you recite ya tawwaabu 21 times everyday allah will forgive you before you die. you will also be shown the correct path.

(24) for repentance. if you recite ya tawwaabu 360 times for forgiveness. your sin and wrong doings will be forgiven. provided you do not repeat them.

(25) for forgiveness. all your bed deeds will be forgiven if you repent after reciting ya afuwu several times. people will like you and you will bhave no enemies.

(26) no punishment. to be relieved of allah's punishment recite ya afuwu 156 times you will be loved by the creator. indeed you will be forgiven your sins if you ask for forgiveness with sincerity in your heart. this has always been the condition for forgiveness.

(27) one who recite 1000 times ya akhiru daily will be attached to allah only, his sins will be forgiven and he will be absolved.

(28) the repentance of one who recites 630 times ya tawabu after chasht namaz (prayer) will be accepted by allah.

(29) daytime read ya ghafooru 1286 times for forgiveness of sins and protection from waswas.

(30) if you read ya tawabu 30 times daily your tawbah repentance will very soon be accepted and also by reciting this you will get rid of waswas from your heart.

(31) read 1000 times ya afuwu daily for forgiveness of sins. also if one gets angry quickly then to control it read ya afuwu 100 daily you will have control over your anger.

(32) if you read ya ghaffaru abundantly (kasrat se) everyday  it will keep you away from sins and also it will protect you from waswas.

(33) read daily after fajr and after isha ya ghaffaru 480 times  for forgiveness of sins.

(34) to get rid of sins to stop sinning, (Gunahon ki adaat chorne k lye) read 1 times durood ibrahim 7 times ya barru 1 times durood ibrahim and then blow on your chest do daily till your problem is solved.

(35) read surah ikhlas 11 times after fajr to be protected from sinning.

(36) to prevent eyes from sins to stop eyes from committing sin recite daily ayat ul kursi 1 time till walaa duhuu then recite hifzuhuma for 12 times and then blow it on your thumbs and rub them on both the eyes. you will be successful..

(37) To get the blessings of Allah, and to avoid sins, recite afuwu as many times as possible, particularly it is very effective if recited 12 times after every obligatory prayer.

(38)  If recited daily, (kasrat se) ya bariyu the dead body of the reciter, after death, will not decompose in the grave.

(39) If recited a great deal regularly (kasrat se) ya hayyu ya qayyumu the reciter never goes astray and remains in the bounds of the true faith till the last breath of life.

(40) If recited a great deal, (kasrat se) ya mueedu it saves the reciter from punishment on the day of judgement.

(41) If recited ya warisu 707 times Allah will keep you on the right path.To seek permanent protection of Allah, recite a great deal regularly (kasrat se).

(42) After reciting Durud ibrahim 10 times then ya raufu should be recited 297 times, this will eliminate his anger. If recited and blown on a ferocious, engaged person, his anger will be subdued insha Allah. Also he will gain the affection of the entire creation.

(43) read durood ibrahim 10 times then ya raufu 10 times it will eliminate his anger. If recited and blown on a ferocious, engaged person, his anger will be subdued insha Allah.

(44) The one who is unable to control his inner-self (nafs) should recite 60 times ‘Ya Mumeetu’ by placing his hands on the chest, till he falls asleep, insha Allah soon he will gain strength to control his the amal daily till you get control.

(45) to control the nafs (defires). the vein of desire in your body will be under control if you before sleep put both of your hands on your chest then recite ya mumeetu 490 times or more. you will also be able to fulfill your obligations towards allah (prayers etc). you will also be stopped from doing unlawful things. do the amal daily till you get control

(46) The one who recites it Ya-Shaheedu 300 times after every prayer, insha Allah, he will be upgrade by Allah (swt).

(47) One who recites ya quddusu 118 times after Maghrib prayer will Insha-Allah be protected and cured from all spiritual diseases.

(48) not to be lead astray. recite ya rahmanu ya rahimu 100 times daily, you will not be lead astray.

(49) prevent from doing unlawful things. ya jabbaru when recited will prevent the person from doing anything that is haram or unlawful. recite it many times when being tempted into doing things which are against the shariah. 

(50) to cure bad deeds. the person with bad intentions or who always do bad deeds should recite ya qahharu the whole day and night everytime (kasrat se) daily. this will prevent the person from doing those bad deeds. 

(51) punishment in the grave. always recite (kasrat se) day and night daily ya qaabididh and you will be saved from the punishment in the grave.

(52) protection from bad deeds. recite ya adlu 100 times after juma'ah prayer namaz (every juma'ah) you will be protected from bad deeds and actions.

(53) to eliminate bad habits. recite ya khabiru (the aware) several times, daily this will help get rid of your bad habits.

(54) benefit in here-afteer. recite ya shakuru 5000 times everyday, you will be blessed with all the benefits in the here-after.

(55) to cure bad manners. if a wife has habits and bad manners (who does not pray, always talks about other people etc etc) or a husband has same problem (e.g. looks at other women, scolds the wife or kids everytime, lazy etc etc). then the wife or the husband (depending on who is the culprit) must recite 77 times ya hasibu and blow on water. this should be done on thursday after zohr namaz prayer. then the person must drink half the water and give the other half to the one with bad manners. their manners will improve.

(56) for hereafter. recite ya karimu 270 times before you sleep daily  and allah will make you great now and in the hereafter. your stanards will rise sharply.

(57) against alcoholism. if someone has fallen into alcoholism and any greater sins then for that person to return into the right path he /she must recite ya wadudu 960 times. blow on food or drink for consumption. (eat or drink) the person will abandon the wrong path.

(58) against bad charactor. a person who has bad charactor will become good if you recite ya shaheedo 1000 times and blow on the person allah will make the person good.

(59) to be a good muslim. recite ya shaheedo 319 times every night, the person will become a very good muslim and will be very obedient servant of allah.

(60) protection against adultery and fornication. recite ya matiino 10 times and blow on male or female children for protection against adultery or fornication (zina) they will not fall into such things.  note: you can do this amal daily or when you need to..

(61) against bad manners. for those with bad habits and manners they should recite every day ya hamidu 93 times this will help clean the person of all the bad things. if you read for others then blow on water for the person to drink.

(62) to be safe in the hereafter. recite ya muhsi many times in thousands (kasrat se) every friday night allah will guard you from the troubles in the grave and in the hereafter.

(63) for mind control. before you sleep recite ya mumeetu 25 times your mind will be under control.

(64) for weak soul recite ya qaadiru 100 times or 200 times after doing 2 rakaat nafil. your weak body and soul will gain strength and you will face life better dispositions.

(65) if you are on wrong path. those who are in the wrong path or have bad manners but desire to be good muslim, then they should recite ya barru 100 times and blow in water for drinking. all the bad things they do will stop.

(66) protection against bad actions. you may have bad thoughts. before these thoughts turn into bad actions, recite ya maqsiitu 21 times you will be protected.

(67) for right path. to stop living a meaningless life recite ya ghaniyu 70 times daily until you are back in the right path you will be butter.

(68) for light in your tomb. for your grave to be full of light on the day of judgement recite ya nuru 111 times after namaz prayer juma'ah  (read after every juma'ah) your heart, soul and body (face) will have the light of true faith on them.

(69) to do good deeds. recite ya baqiy 500 times you will have great courage and will always do good deeds. it will keep you closer to allah may do on a daily basis.

(70) if you wanna stop sinning then read ya momino daily 111 times and also before goving to sleep read ya mohamino keep reading it till you fall asleep.

(71) if your husband is always angry then read bismillah hir rahman nir raheem 20 times then blow on water and then give him that water to drink do like this every time when you give him water read and then give him very soon he will get normal.


(73) if someone recite daily ya rasheedu 100 times after isha namaz prayer he will be forgivien by allah, if he wills. 

(74) if you want your body to be safe (jism salamat rehey)  and protection from grave punishment then recite 3 times durood ibrahim then  ya bariyu 244 times then 3 times durood ibrahim but you must read daily.

(75) to control your nafs then after every namaz prayer read durood ibrahim 3 times then ya qahharu 306 times then durood ibrahim 3 times then blow on your heart. daily soon you will have control over your nafs and also other benefits is by reading this is you are protected from jinn jinnat and jadu black magic.

(76) if you want good habits to be born in you and to get rid of bad habits then every day after fajr prayer and maghrib prayer read 7 times durood ibrahim then  93 times ya hamidu then 7 times durood ibrahim after 40 day you will have good habits burn in you.

(77) to control you nafs before you sleep lie down on your bed and then put both of your hands on your chest and read ya mumeetu as much as you can (kasrat se) keep reading it till you  fall asleep with in 40 days you will have control over you nafs.

(78)  for 11 days recite ya muakhkhiru 846 times after asr namaz prayer After completing the 11 days, if you still feel you can’t control your nafs then continue this for another ten and then another twenty days respectively. By then you will have complete control over your nafs.

(79) if are captured by nafse ammara (Nafs Ammara Sa Bachna K Liya) then read YA KHABIROO as much as you can daily (kasrat se) you will get rid of the problem soon.

(80) to get rid of addiction like alcohol canabis etc etc bad habits  then someone from the family can do this amal for the person who is addicted read ya qabidu 5418 times for 41 days after read it everyday blow on water then make dua for the person you doving or your self and then give him the water to drink.

(81) if you read ya gaffaru daily after every namaz prayer 12 times allah will give you tawfeeq to stay away from sinning and this tawfeeq will keep on happening as long as you read daily.

(82) if some one gets angry a lot to cool the anger the person need to for 40 day read ya gafuroo 1286 times morning and evening and then blow on water and drink this water do like this for 40 days your anger will be reduced. 

(83) how to finish someone anger. if someone is angry and he may cause damage the read durood ibrahim 11 times then ya raufu 11 times then blow on him his anger will finish.

(84) if some one read ya afuwu 100 times daily if the person sins like mountain they will be forgiven.

(85) if a peron reads ya manio all the time (kasrat se) daily then he will be save from committing sins. and allah will have him in his protection

(86) if a peron reads ya mubdio all the time (kasrat se) daily then he will be saved from sinns.

(87) read bismillah hir rahman nir raheem all the time daytime night time (kasrat se) in thousands everyday you will get spiritual power rohaniyat rohani power and you will be protected from grave punishment (azab e qabar) and also you will be forgiven and you will go to jannah pradise.

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