Monday 4 June 2018

list of 80 amal wazaif wazifa Protection hifazat from shaitan. shyatan satan devil demon spirit jinnat jinn

 Protection hifazat from shaitan. shyatan satan devil demon spirit jinnat jinn.

(1) Read Auzu Billaahi Minash Shaitaanir Rajim 10 times daily.. Then Allah Ta'ala will appoint an angel for the protection of the reciter from the shaitan.

(2)  Read Surah Ikhlas for 11 times after fajr  shaitan with all his army wont be able to make u commit sins unless u commit them on ur own.

(3) Read La hawla wala quwwata illa billah 10 times evening one will be protected from the deception of Shaitan.

(4) Recite surah Yasin  after sunset, Allah would post 1000 angels who would protect them from the mischief of the accursed Shaytan and his agents throughout the night and keep him safe from every calamity.

(5) Read ayat ul kursi 40 times then blow on your finger and face towards qibla and image in your head house or youself and make circle around your house etc.. You will be protected in that circle no jinn will come in.

(6) Read ayatul kursi 21 times  surah al nashra 70 times blow on your chest before sleep you wfill be protected from jinn shaitan.

(7) Be fore sleep Read 3 times ayatul kursi then blow on your pillow and your chest you will be protected from jinn shaitan.

(8) Read ya momino 136 times it will give protection from the satans among jinn or men.

(9) Recite ya muqsitu 21 times daily and allah will save you from shaitaan and the fear of evil things. you will also be protected against wrong judgement etc..

(10) Read daily after fajr 10 times ya muhsi allah will protect you from shaitan.

(11) Read bedtime read durood ibrahimi 3 times then bismillah hir rahman nir raheem 21 times then durood ibrahimi 3 times you will be safe from satan that night.

(12) before bedtime read 200 times surah ikhlas you will be protected from jinn and shaitan.

(13) Read ya hafizu 11 times after fajr and after maghrib and blow on yourself and your kids it will protect you from jinn and shaitan.

(14) Read ya allahu 100 times before sleep you will be protected from shaitan that night.

(15) Read ayatul kursi 7 times after jummah you will be protected from shaitan till next jummah.

(16) if someone reads surah kahf in one's house shaitan will not enter your house also reading it everyday you will get lots of sawab ajr.

(17) if you read ayatul kursi 3 times and then blow on your house jinn not enter your house.

(18) Read ayatul kursi 3 times each corner of your house and blow it on the corners it will guard and protect you and your house from shaitan.

(19) Read laa hawla wala quwwata illa billahil aliyyil azim all the times read in thousands (kasrat se) everyday this zikr it is like fire ball for jinn and shaitan they run away from the reciter.

(20) Reciting al baqarah 1 time daily for 7 day in a row will protect the house for 1 year from jinn
Note: if you can't read the surah then play it in arabic only for 7 day in your house.

(21) If you read surah baqarah 1 time your house will be protected from shaitan for 3 day.
Note: if you can't read the surah then play it in arabic only 1 time.

(22) To get rid of jinn from your house read surah baqarah 3 time, but you must read 3 times each on each floor and basement if got one.
Note: if you can't read the surah then play it in arabic 3 times each floor etc..

(23) For 1 year protection for your house read surah baqarah then al imran for 1 month jinns and shaytan will not enter your house for one year.
Note: if you can't read the surah then play in your house for one month but you must play surah baqarah first then straightway play surah al imran best is to put these surah in your play list on your computer or phone and then play them make sure they are arabic only.

(24) T be safe from enemy and jinns shaitan after fajr and after maghrib read 7 times durood ibrahim 313 times ya hafizu 7 times durood ibrahim you will be safe.

(25) Read durood e tunjjina 101 times everyday for protection from black magic jinns and this durood will also protect your family.

(26) If a person reads durood e tunjjina all the times as much as you can day and night no black magic (jadu) nor any jinn will work on the reciter of  durood e tunjjina.

(27) for protection from black magic jinns read after maghrib 3 times durood ibrahim 7 times ayatul kursi 1 time surah kafirun 3 times surah ikhlas 3 times surah falaq 3 times surah nas 3 times durood ibrahim then blow on your hands and wipe over your body.

(28) Read 101 times ya hafiz'u ya hafeez'u after magrib for protection from every thing i.e. (black magic) jinnat (jinn).

(29) For protection from jinnat (jinn) jadu (black magic) read ya qabizo 21 times and recite ya mumeetu 7 times after fajr and after magrib and then blow on yourself and blow on water and drink that water do this amal (wazaif) daily till you are safe.

(30) Read 167 times ya muaminu everyday to be safe from shaitan.

(31) Read Ya jabbaru 8 times at the time of sunrise and sunset, the reciter is kept safe from the evil of all harmful creatures.

(32) After every salaat (namaz) and before going to bed, recite ayatul kursi 1 times and the last two surah's 3 times each and then blow 3 times on the chest and then 3 times into both hands and sweep the hands all over the body from head to toe.  you will be protected from jadu (black magic) and jinnat (jinn). do like this daily till you are safe..

(33) If you are attacked by jinnat (jinn) or are under jinn attack then recite auzubillahi minash shaitanir rajeem bismillah hir rahman nir rahim 100 times morning and 100 times evening. for protection. read daily till you feel safe.

(34) If you disturb by evil jinn in dream or when you are sleep to avoid this kind of attack recite 7 times ayatul kursi and 3 times each surah ikhlas, falaq, nas then blow on yourself, you shall be protected.

(35) Read Surah baqarah last 2 ayat 11 times on right corner of your house then blow on the corner  then 11 times each on other 3 corner of your house and blow on each corner do like this for 3 days you will be protected from jinnat (jinns) and shaitan they can't come in the house. once you don this amal you will be protected for long time.

(36) Read surah yasin 1 time and then blow on the right corner in your house then read 1 time for each coner but you must blow on each corner. you house will be protected from jinnat (jinn) for ever.
(37) Read surah najm 3 times to get rid of jinnat (jinn) from your house.

(38) Read Ya qabizo 21 times after fajr (morning) and after magrib (evening) for protection from jinnat (jinn) and protection from jadu (black magic). read daily till you are safe..

(39) Read after isha read 3 times durood ibrahim then ya hafeezu ya raqeebo ya wakeelo 41 times then durood ibrahim 3 times to protect from jinnat (jinn) and to protect from jadu (black magic). read daily till you are safe.

(40) Read ayatul kursi all the time as much you can in a day time and night time everyday (kasrat se parhne) it will protect you from jinnat (jinns).

(41) If there are jinnat jinn living in a house or place then to get rid of them read ayatul kursi 4100 times before you finish your reading the jinnat (jinn) they will leave that house or place.

(42) if there are jinnat jinn living in a house or shop and you wanna be protected from there attack etc.. then read surah nas 100 times everyday for 40 day after this amal you will be protected from them forever..
(43) Read ya wadudu 500 times after fajr (morning) and after magrib (evening) for protection from jinnat jinn.

(44) Read ayat ul kursi 13 times or 41 times night time for hifazat protection from jinnat jinn. you can read in the morning also if you need it to be. but jinn they attack night time..

(45) Read surah ikhlas 41 times for protection ('hifazat) from jinnat etc..

(46) Read ayat ul kursi 11 times in the morning and 11 times in the evening for protection (hifazat) from jinnat (jinn) and jadu (black magic). read daily till you safe.

(47) Read mauzatain (last two surah of the quran) 11 times morning and 11 times evening for minimum 11 days and max 40 days for protection from jinnat (jinn) and jadu (black magic) and to finish the black magic (nijat k liye).

(48) if you play azan in the house 11 times morning 11 times day time 11 times evening or play it alot of the time in the day time and night time (kasrat se azan denah or play karnah in the house or 11 bar morning 11 bar day time 11 bar night time play karna phone or computer se). to get rid of jinnat (jinn) from your house.

(49) Read 11 times durood ibrahim then 11 times ya hafizu ya hafizu ya hafiza ya raqeebo ya wakeelo ya nasiro ya basiru ya allahu ya allahu ya allahu then 11 times durood ibrahim read daily for pain in the the body and protection from jinnat (jinn). (jismani dard or jinnat se hifazat k liye).

(50) After magrib daily read durood ibrahim 3 times then surah al fatiha 21 times then 3 times durood ibraghim then make a dus about to be safe (protection) from shaitan.(shaitan k shar se bachne k liye) you will get help from allah and you will be protected from the shar of shaitan.
(51) To get rid of jinn from a house after fajr read surah kafirun 100 times then blow (dum) on 4 corner of your house do the amal for 21 day but you must blow on the corner everyday day after you don the reading after 21 days the jinnat (jinns) they will be burned or they will run away. 

(52) the place wehere surah noha is recited or played the jinnat (jinn) will not stay that place.

(53) Read surah yasin 1 times on each corner of your house but after reading each time blow on water then sprinkle that water in all 4 corner of your house everyday do like this for 21 day it will get rid of jinnat from your house the jinn they will run away from your house.

(54) Read in arabic only surah baqarah or (playing it) in your house everyday 1 times for 41 day it will get rid of jinnat (jinn) from your house.

(55) Read morning and evening daily ayat ul kursi and first 3 ayats of surah 40 mu'min for protection from jinnat and shaitan.

(56) After fajr and bedtime Read ya qabizu 33 times you will be protected from jinnat (jinn) and you will be protected from jadu (black magic).

(57) after fajr and after isha Read ya qahharu 306 you will get protection from jinnat (jinn) and you will get protection from jadu (black magic) this amal is very effective.

(58) Read manzil 1 time in the morning and 1 time in the evening for protection (hifazat k liye) from jinnat (jinn). 

(59) if someone reads ya nuru 111 times everyday in a house that house will be protected from jinnat (jinn).

(60) if some one is effected with jadu (black magic) or jinnat (jinn) then read ya qahharu ya jabbaru al the time as much as you can read in thousands everyday morning day time evening night (kasrat se) it will get rid of jadu (black magic) and protection from jinnat (jinn). this amal is very effective powerful.

(61) Read 3 times durood ibrahim then ya qahharu 111 times then 3 times durood ibrahim then  blow on attar use this attar 3 time a day (i.e) use attar put it on your inside your nose, your face. and body. You will get nijat from jadu (black magic) and jinnat (jinn). use the attar daily till you are sure that are safe.

(62) Read daytime (morning) ya jabbaru 206 times you will be protected from shaitan jinnat (jinn) and other benefit is dua acceptance.  for night time read ya jabbaru 450 times you will be protected from shaitan jinnat (jinn). and other benefit is  dua acceptance.

(63) read in the morning ya tawabu 30 times you will be protected from shaitan.

(64) After isha read durood ibrahim 11 times then ya hafizu ya razzaqu ya kareemu ya halimu ya nasiru 101 times then durood ibrahim 11 times you will be protected from jinnat (jinn) and jadu (black magic).

(65) After fajr read surah hashr last 3 ayats 11 times then blow on your hands then wipe over your body you will be protected from jinnat (jinn).

(66) if recited ya mumeetu 490 times over a bewitched person, the evil effects of witchcraft (jadu) will be withdrawn, and the afflicted person will be free from its damaging influence.

(67) if recited ya mumeetu a great deal regularly (recite as much as you can all the time day and night in thousands kasrat se) it will keep the reciter safe from the jadu black magic witchcraft for ever.

(68) if you read 1 time auzubillahi minash shaitanir rajeem in the morning you will be protected from shaitan till evening.

(69) Read ayat kursi like this read up allahu la ilaha illal huwal hayyul qayyum 20 time then finish the ayat ul kursi to the end thats 1 time do like this 41 times daily you will be protected from jinnat (jinn) jadu black magic.

(70) Read ya hafizu al the time as much you can day night read in thousands (kasrat se) everyday. you will be protected from jadu black magic and jinnat.

(71) Read ya qahharu al the time as much you can read in thousands (kasrat se) EVERYDAY it will get rid of jadu black magic and also it will protect you from jadu black magic and jinnat jinn. VERY POWERFUL AMAL WAZAIF.

(72) read durood ibrahim 11 times then Ya momino 4896 times then durood ibrahim 11 times read everyday you will be protected from shaitan.

(73) read 3 times morning and 3 times evening ayat e hifazat for protection from enemy and protection from jinnat jinn.

(74) read in the morning and evening read durood ibrahim 3 times then surah ikhlas 3 times then surah falaq 3 times then surah nas 3 times then durood ibrahim 3 times then blow on yourself you will be protected from jinnat jinn man..

(75) read 21 times surah nas after every namaz (salaat) you will be ptrotected from shaitan attack..

(76) read surah hashr last ayat read 11 times morning and evening for hifazat protection from jinnat and for ilj (cure) you can also read 7 times morning and evening for same benefits..

(77) read surah nas 21 times daily for hifazat protection from jinnat jinn and man..

(78) if you read surah sajdah 1 time in your house then shaitan can't enter your house for 3 days.

(79) read durood ibrahim 7 times then surah fatiah 7 times ayat ul kursi 7 times four qul 7 times surah alam nashrah 7 times then durood ibrahim 7 times then blow on your finger then imagine in your mind head and make hisar (protection circle) around you and if you need to make hisar on your kids you can do it and also after hisar blow on yourself and blow on water and drink that water you will be protected from jinnat jinn.

(80) read durood ibrahim 100 times after every namaz salat if can't read after every namaz salat then read in the evening 500 times you will be protected from jinnat jinn and also if read every day 500 times you will get spiritual power i.e rohaniyat for more on rohaniyat power look in my blog.

(81)for protection from enemies and jinnat read Aliyyul azeem علی العظیم) 1200) times daily.

(82) for protection from shaitan and jinnat read ayat hifazat 11 times morning or daytime and evening

(83) for protection from jinnat read ayat kursi 1 time when you come to wa la ya'ooduho hifzuhuma read it 70 times then finish it  you can read in the morning or evening.

(84) whoever reads the first 4 verses of surah baqarah, and the verse of ayat kursi with the two following verses, and the three last verses of surah baqarah would never come across any undesirable event (his faily and proterty would also remain) safe, shaytan would not come near him, and he would never forget the holy quran.

(85) whoever recites surah saffat every friday would remain safe from every calamity and trouble, would receive enough means of livelihood, his property and children would remain safe from enemies and the accursed shaytan, if he dies the same day, he would die as a martyr and live in paradise among the martyrs.

(86) one who recites at night surah sajdah surah yasin surah qamar surah mulk there would be for him a light and protection from satan, and his position with rise till the day of judgment.

(87) one who recites surah jinn, would remain safe and protected from jinn.

(88) whoever reads surah luqman every night allah appoints angels to protect him from shaytan and his agents till the next morning, and if it is recited in the morning these angels would protect him from shaytan and his agents till sunset.

(89) whoever recites surah jumu'ah at the day break and sunset on friday would remain safe from the mischief of shytan, and allah's forgiveness would be available to him the next day.



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