Tuesday 24 January 2017




1. It harnesses Allaah's pleasure.

2. It pleases the relative (pleasing a Mu'min is a forrn

of worship).
3. It pleases the angels.

4. It earns the praises of others (which is a bounty if

it is not made one's objective).
5. It grieves Iblees.

6. It increases one's lifespan (The life is more blessed

and one earns more reward because he has time

to do more good actions).
7. It increases the blessings in one's sustenance.

8. It even pleases the deceased (when they are

informed thereof).
9. It increases peoples' love for one (they will therefore

be ready to assist one at the time of need).

10.The reward earned thereby continues to accrue to

one even after his death (those with whom one

maintained good ties will
continue to make du'a for
him after his demise).
ref..Admonition For The Neglectfula Vol-1





Hadhrat Anas (R.A) has mentioned that the rewards

of five things will continue to be received even after

death viz.

1. The digging of a well (or another water source,untill

it is depleted).

2. Building of a Masjid (as long as people engage in

worship therein)

3. writing the ~ u r ' a a n(a s long as people read from

4. An orchard (or tree, as long as people derive benefit


5. Pious children or students (the father or teacher

will continue to benefit from these products of

ref..Admonition For The Neglectfula Vol-1



Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Abbaas (R.A) interprets Taubatun

Nasooh as when:
1. A person's heart is ashamed.

2. His tongue seeks forgiveness.

3. He resolves never to repeat the sin he comitted.
Allaah instructs us in Surah Tahreem, "Oh you who

believe, repent to Allaah, a sincere repentance

(Taubatun Nasooha)."ref..Admonition For The Neglectfula Vol-1



1. Look at the rewards to be attained in the Hereafter.

It is foolish to be inclined towards the things of the

world and rely on them despite possessing proper

2. Helplessness is not to make an effort for actions

despite possessing the knowledge of their rewards

in the Hereafter.

3. That person will attain the comforts of Jannah who

forsakes the comforts of this world. That person

will be wealthy in Jannah who forsakes this

perishable world and is content with just a little.



Faqih Abul Laith Samarqandi (R.A) mentioned that

carrying out four things and abstaining from another

four things will protect one from punishment in the

grave. The four things to practice on are:-

(1) Punctuality with salaah,

(2) abundant charity,

(3) recitation of the Qur'aan,

(4) abundance of dhikr.

The four that have to be avoided are:

(1) Lying,

(2) misappropriation of trust,

(3) carrying tales,

(4) droppings of urine (from contaminating the body

and clothes).
Rasulullaah (sallAllaahu-alaihi-wasallam) has mentioned

that punishment in the grave is usually due to droppings of urine.
ref..Admonition For The Neglectfula Vol-1


1. Knowledge. (Only that action performed with proper
knowledge thereof will be accepted).
2. Intention. (Rasulullaah (sallAllaahu-alaihi-wasallam)
said that the basis of all actions are their intentions).
3. Patience. (Actions should be performed calmly and
all adversities encountered while performing a action
should be borne patiently).
4. Sincerity. ref..Admonition For The Neglectfula Vol-1


Monday 23 January 2017

major sins

1. Ascribing Associates To Allah, The Most High (Shirk)

2. Killing A Human Being

3. Sorcery
4. Not Performing the Prayer

5. Not Paying Zakat

6. Breaking One's Fast During Ramadan Without an Excuse

7. Not Performing the Hajj When Able to

8. Showing Disrespect to One's Parents

9. Severing the Ties of One's Relatives

10. Adultery

11. Sodomy
12. Accepting Usurious Gain

13. Wrong Consuming an Orphan's Property

14. Lying About the Prophet

15. Fleeing From the Battlefield

16. The Leader Who Misleads His Followers, the Tyrant and the Oppressor

17. Arrogance, Pride, Conceit, Vanity and Haughtiness

18. Bearing False Witness

19. Drinking Alcohol

20. Gambling (Qimar)

21. Accusing a Woman of Adultery

22. Misappropriating Spoils of War, Muslim Funds or Zakat

23. Theft

24. Highwaymen Who Menace the Road

25. The Engulfing Oath

26. Taking People's Property Through Falsehood

27. Collecting Taxes
28. The Consumption of Haram

29. Suicide

30. Telling Lies

31. The Dishonest Judge

32. Bribery
33. Women Imitating Men and Vice Versa

34. The Pimp and the One Who Permits His Wife To Fornicate

35. Marrying Solely to Return to the Previous Husband

36. Not Freeing Oneself of All Traces of Urine

37. Showing off in Good Work

38. Learning Sacred Knowledge for the Sake of this World or Concealing It

39. Breach of Faith

40. Reminding Recipients of One's Charity to Them

41. Disbelieving in Destiny

42. Listening to the People's Private Conversations

43. The Talebearer Who Stirs Up Enmity Between People

44. Cursing Others

45. Breaking One's Promise or Pledge

46. Believing Fortunetellers and Astrologers

47. A Wife's Rebellion Against Her Husband

48. Picture-making

49. Loudly Lamenting For the Dead or When Afflicted With an Adversity

50. Excess Against Others

51. Overburdening and Arrogance Against Others

52. Hurting One's Neighbor

53. Hurting or Reviling Muslims

54. Harming the Servants of Allah

55. Dragging the Hem of One's Garment Out of Conceit

56. Men Wearing Silk or Gold

57. Fleeing of the Slave

58. Slaughtering in Other Than Allah's Name

59. Falsely Claiming Someone is One's Father

60. Arguing, Picking Apart Another's Words, and Quarreling

61. Withholding Excess Water From Others

62. Stinting When Weighing or Measuring Out Goods and Similar Merchandise

63. Feeling Secure From Allah's Devising

64. Despairing of the Mercy of Allah and Losing of Hope

65. Forgoing the Congregational Prayer to Pray Alone Without A Legal Excuse

66. Constantly Missing the Friday and Congregational Prayer Without A Valid Excuse

67. Bringing Loss to the Bequest

68. Deception and Evil Schemes

69. Spying on the Muslims and Revealing Their Weaknesses

70 Disparaging the Companions of the Prophet


Imam Shamsu ed-Deen Dhahabi

virtues of Laa ilaaha illa Allaah (there is no god but Allaah).

virtues of Laa ilaaha illa Allaah (there is no god but Allaah).

Knowing Allaah The Almighty is the best branch of knowledge.
Oneness of Allaah The Almighty is the best action and every beneficial
and good thing is just a fruit of it.
Amongst them are:

1. Making property and blood sacred[i.e., it is forbidden to
seize his property or shed his blood]:
It was narrated that the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon
him, said: “Whoever says Laa ilaaha illallaah and rejects everything
that is worshipped instead of Allaah, his property and
his blood will be sacred and his reckoning will be with Allaah.”122

2. Entering Paradise:
It was narrated that the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon
him, said: “Whoever dies knowing that there is no god except
Allaah will enter Paradise.”123
He, peace and blessings be upon him, also said: “None will
enter paradise except a believer soul.”124

3. Allaah The Almighty will make the Hellfire forbidden for
It was narrated that the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon
him, said: No one testifies that there is no god except Allaah
and that I am the Messenger of Allaah will enter the Hellfire or
consume him.”125
And in another narration, he, peace and blessings be upon
him, said: “Whosoever testifies that there is no god except Allaah
and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allaah, Allaah
122 Reported by Muslim (23).
123 Reported by Muslim (26).
124 Reported by Al-Bukhaari.
125 Reported by Muslim (54).
Say as universe says Laa ‘ilaaha illa Allaah (there is no deity except Allaah

4. One will be brought forth from of the Hellfire because of
saying and believing in it:
It was narrated that the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon
him, said: “Whoever says Laa ilaaha illallaah and has barley
grain’s weight of goodness in his heart will be brought forth
from the Hellfire. Then whoever says, “Laa ilaaha illallaah” and
has a wheat grain’s weight of goodness in his heart will be
brought forth from the Hellfire. Then whoever says: Laa Ilaaha
illallaah and has an atom’s-weight of goodness in his heart will
be brought forth from the Hellfire.”127

5. Those who worship Allaah The Almighty alone will be
benefited from the deeds of their offspring:
‘Amr ibn Shu‘yab narrated from his father from his grandfather
that the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said to
‘Amr ibn Al-‘Aas, may Allaah be pleased with him: As for your
father, if he was to establish and confirm Tawheed (monotheism)
and you fasted and gave charity on his behalf, then it
would have benefited him.”128

6. Laa ilaaha illallaah is the heaviest thing in the Balance:
It was narrated on the authority of ‘Abdullaah ibn ‘Amr, may
Allaah be pleased with him, that the Prophet, peace and
blessings be upon him, said: “A man will be brought forth in the
presence of all creatures on the Day of Resurrection and will
spread ninety-nine scrolls for him, each scroll extending as far
as the eye can see. Then it will be said, ‘Do you object to anything
in this? He will say, ‘No, my Lord.’ Then it will be said, ‘Do
126 Reported by Muslim (47) on the authority of ‘Ubaadah ibn As-Saamit. may Allaah be
pleased with him
127 Reported by Al-Bukhaari.
128 Reported by Ahmad (2/182), Hadeeth no. (6704), Sheykh Ahmad Shaakir said: It has a
sound chain of transmission and it is in the Majma‘ Az-Zwaa’id (4/192).
Say as universe says Laa ‘ilaaha illa Allaah (there is no deity except Allaah
www.knowingallah.com 74 Free edition, Not for sale
you have any excuse or a reward (missed)?’ He will be awed
and then say, ‘No my Lord.’ Allaah will say, ‘On the contrary,
you have with Us a good deed, and you will not be wronged
this Day.’ A slip of paper will then be brought out, on which are
the words ‘Ashhadu an laa ilaaha illallaah wa ashhadu anna
Muhammadan ‘abduhu wa rasooluhu (I bear witness that
there is no god but Allaah, and I bear witness that Muhammad
is His slave and His Messenger). The man will say, ‘O Lord,
what is this slip of paper in comparison to these scrolls?’ And
He will reply, ‘You will not be wronged.’ The scrolls will then
be put in one side of the Balance and the slip of paper in the
other, and the scrolls will become light and the slip of paper

7. One will be among the most blessed by the intercession:
It was narrated that the Prophet, peace and blessings be
upon him, said: “The people who will be most blessed by my
intercession on the Day of Resurrection are those who say Laa
ilaaha illallaah sincerely from the heart.”130

8. Those who worship Allaah The Almighty alone are the
intercessors in the worldly life and Hereafter:
It was narrated on the authority of Ibn ‘Abbaas, may Allaah
be pleased with him, that the Prophet, peace and blessings
be upon him, said: “There is no Muslim who dies and forty men
who associate nothing with Allaah pray the funeral prayer for
him, but Allaah will accept their intercession for him.”131

9. Acceptance of deeds:
It was narrated that the Prophet, peace and blessings be
upon him, said: “Allaah does not accept any deed except
129 Reported by At-Tirmithi, the book of Al-Imaan (2641), Ahmad in Al-Musnad (2/213), ibn
Maajah in Az-Zuhd no. (4300), Sheykh Ahmad Shaakir said in his comment on Al-Musnad (1994): It
has a sound chain of transmission.
130 Reported by Al-Bukhaari in Al-Fat-h (1/99).
131 Reported by Muslim (948).
Say as universe says Laa ‘ilaaha illa Allaah (there is no deity except Allaah
www.knowingallah.com 75 Free edition, Not for sale
that which is done only for Him and to seek His Countenance.”132
Allaah The Almighty says in Al-Qudsi Hadeeth: “I am so selfsufficient
that I am in no need of having an associate. Thus he
who does an action for someone else’s sake as well as Mine
will have that action renounced by Me to him whom he associated
with Me.”133
Moreover, Allaah The Almighty says:
{So whoever would hope for the meeting with his Lord - let
him do righteous work and not associate in the worship of his
Lord anyone.} [Al-Kahf: 110]
Yahya ibn Katheer said: These are the two basic features of
acceptable deeds: To be correct and their intent is for the
sake of Allaah alone. It was said: How they can be correct?
He said: To be done in accordance with the way of the Messenger
of Allaah, peace and blessings be upon him.

10. Forgiveness:
Allaah The Almighty says: {Indeed, Allaah does not forgive association
with Him, but He forgives what is less than that for
whom He wills.} [An-Nisaa’: 48]
It was also narrated on the authority of Anas, may Allaah be
pleased with him, that the Prophet, peace and blessings be
upon him, said: ‘Allaah The Almighty says: “O son of Adam,
were you to come to Me with sins nearly as great as the earth
and were you then to face Me, ascribing no partner to Me, I
would bring you forgiveness nearly as great as it.”134
11. Whoever abides by the requirements of ‘laa ilaaha
illallaah’ will enter paradise without being brought to
account or being punished:
132 Reported by An-Nasaa’i with a good chain of transmission.
133 Reported by Muslim.
134 Reported by At-Tirmithi in ‘Al-Jaami‘’ No. (3534) and said: Hasan Ghareeb (good and
strange) Hadeeth. It was also reported by Ahmad in Al-Musnad (5/172-154) and it has a witness
with Muslim on the authority of Abu Tharr in “As-Saheeh” No. (2687).
Say as universe says Laa ‘ilaaha illa Allaah (there is no deity except Allaah
www.knowingallah.com 76 Free edition, Not for sale
It was narrated that the Messenger of Allaah, peace and
blessings be upon him, said: “Seventy thousand of my nation
will enter Paradise without being brought to account. They are
the ones who do not seek Ruqyah135 and do not believe in
bad omens; they put their trust in their Lord…”136
And in another narration, he, peace and blessings be upon
him, said: “They are the ones who do not believe in bad omens,
do not seek Ruqyah (from others) and do not use branding (in
curing diseases); they put their trust in their Lord.”137
135 Ruqyah is an Arabic word referring to the legal incantation; to get oneself treate

Scenes and Nature of Hell as described in the Sayings of the Prophet.

Scenes and Nature of Hell as described in the Sayings of the Prophet.

The Prophet of Allah said: “Among the people of Hell,
the person who gets the lightest of punishments would
be that whose sandals and their laces would be of fire,
because of which his brain would boil as a vessel boils
on a stove, and he would presume that none other
suffers more than him, though he would be getting the
lightest of punishment of all the people of Hell.”
(Bukhari and Muslim).
The Prophet of Allah said: “Zaqqoom (a highly
poisonous tree which grows in Hell) would be the food
of the people of Hell. If just a drop of it were to drop
on the earth, it would spoil every life-supporting thing
on the face of the earth. Hence, how would a person
fare whose food is just Zaqqoom.” (Tirmizi).

Scenes and Nature of Hell as described in the Holy Quran.

 Scenes and Nature of Hell as described in the Holy Quran.

The Holy Quran describes the nature and horrors
of Hell as under:
“Verily he who comes to his Lord as a sinner (at
Judgement) – for him is Hell; therein shall he neither
die nor live.” (20:74)
“These two antagonists dispute with each other about
their Lord: But those who deny (their Lord) – for them
will be cut out a garment of Fire; over their heads will
be poured out boiling water. With it will be scalded
what is within their bodies, as well as (their) skins. In
addition there will be maces of iron (to punish) them.
Every time they wish to get away therefrom, from
anguish, they will be forced back therein, and (it will
be said), ‘Taste you the Penalty of Burning!”(22:19-22)
“Some of them believed, and some of them averted
their faces from him; and enough is Hell for a burning
fire. Those who reject Our Signs, We shall soon cast
them into the Fire; as often as their skins are roasted
through, We shall change them for fresh skins, that
they may taste the Penalty; for Allah is Exalted in
Power, Wise.” (4:55-56)
“Of no profit to me has been my wealth! My power has
perished from me! (The stern command will say): Seize
him, and burn him in the blazing Fire. Further, make
him march in a chain, whereof the length is seventy
cubits! This was he that would not believe in Allah
Most High, and would not encourage the feeding of the
indigent! So no friend has he here this Day. Nor has he
any food except the corruption from the washing of
wounds, which none do eat but those in sin.”(69:28-37).

Scenes and Nature of Paradise as described in the Sayings of the Prophet.

Scenes and Nature of Paradise as described in the Sayings of the Prophet.

Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) has
further elaborated and described the nature, grandeur
and lavishness of Paradise as follows:
The Prophet of Allah said: “A proclaimer addressing
the residents of Paradise will proclaim: You shall
always remain here healthy, shall never fall ill, shall
live forever and shall not face death; you shall always
remain young and shall never grow old; you shall
always be in comfort and shall never encounter any
hardship or sorrows.” (Muslim)
The Prophet of Allah said: “A small place measuring
just a whip in Paradise is better than the world and
everything in it.” (Abu Huraira: Bukhari and Muslim)
The Prophet of Allah said that the best gift that
Allah would bestow on the residents of paradise would
be His Countenance:
The Prophet of Allah said: “When those eligible for
Paradise reach their respective destinations, Almighty
Allah will ask them: ‘Do you require anything else?’
They will reply: ‘(O our Lord), have You not illumined
our faces, have You not admitted us into the Paradise,
and have You not rescued us from the Fire (what else
we require)?’ Then suddenly the veil will be lifted and
the residents of Paradise shall see their Lord, and for
them nothing shall be more dear (and precious) than
seeing their Lord.” (Muslim).

Scenes and Nature of Paradise as described in the Holy Quran.

Scenes and Nature of Paradise as described in the Holy Quran.

The grandeur, comforts and lavishness of paradise
have been described in the Quran as under:
“Whe you look (at the paradise), it is there you will see
a Bliss and a Realm Magnificent. Upon them will be
green Garments of fine silk and heavy brocade, and
they will be adorned with Bracelets of silver; and their
Lord will give to them to drink of a Wine Pure and
Holy. Verily this is a Reward for you, and your
Endeavour is accepted and recognized.” (76:20-22)
“(Here is) a parable of the Paradise which the
righteous are promised: In it are rivers of water
incorruptible; rivers of milk of which the taste never
changes; rivers of wine, a joy to those who drink; and
rivers of honey pure and clear. In it there are for them
all kinds of fruits; and Grace from their Lord. (Can
those in such Bliss) be compared to such as shall dwell
forever in the Fire, and be given, to drink, boiling
water, so that it cuts up their bowels (to pieces)?”
“My devotees! No fear shall be on you that Day, nor
shall you grieve – (being) those who have believed in
Our Signs and bowed (their wills to Ours) in Islam.
Enter you the Paradise, you and your wives, (in beauty
and) rejoicing. To them will be passed round, dishes
and goblets of gold; there will be there all that the
souls could desire, all that the eyes could delight in; and
you shall abide therein (for aye). Such will be the
Paradise of which you are made heirs for your (good)
deeds (in life). You shall have therein abundance of fruit,
from which you shall have satisfaction.” (43:68-73)
“And those who believe and whose families follow
them in Faith – to them shall We join their families;
nor shall We deprive them (of the fruit) of aught of
their works.” (52:21).

Scenes of the Day of Judgement.

Scenes of the Day of Judgement.

Some of the scenes of the Day of Judgement as
described by the Quran are as follows:
“When the sky is cleft asunder; when the stars are
scattered; when the oceans are suffered to burst forth;
and when the graves are turned upside down – (Then)
shall each soul know what it has sent forward and
(what it has) kept back.” (82:1-5)
“He questions: ‘When is the Day of Resurrection?’ At
the length, when the sight is dazed, and the moon is
buried in darkness, and the sun and moon are joined
together – that Day will man say: ‘Where is the
refuge?’ By no means! No place of safety! Before your
Lord (alone), that Day will be the place of rest. That
Day will man be told (all) that he put forward, and all
that he put back.” (75:6-13)
“They see the (Day) indeed as a far-off (event); but We
see it (quite) near. The Day that the sky will be like
molten brass, and the mountains will be like wool, and
no friend will ask after a friend, though they will be put
in sight of each other – the sinner’s desire will be:
Would that he could redeem himself from the Penalty
of that Day by (sacrificing) his children, his wife and
his brother, his kindred who sheltered him, and all, all
that is on earth – so it could deliver him. By no means!
For it would be the Fire of Hell, plucking out (his
being) right to the skull!” (70:6-16)
“When the earth is shaken to its (utmost) convulsion,
and the earth throws up its burdens (from within), and
man cries (distressed): ‘What is the matter with it?’ –
On that Day will it declare its tidings; for that your
Lord will have given it inspiration. On that Day will
men proceed in companies sorted out, to be shown the
deeds that they (had done). Then shall anyone who has
done an atom’s weight of good, see it! And anyone who
has done an atom’s weight of evil, shall see it.”(99:1-8)
“At length, when there comes the Deafening Noise –
that Day shall a man flee from his own brother, and
from his mother and his father, and from his wife and
his children. Each one of them, that Day, will have
enough concern (of his own) to make him indifferent to
the others.” (80:33-37).

None can Intercede with Allah Except with His Permission.

None can Intercede with Allah Except with His Permission.

Usually intercession is made to save an offender
from punishment or get the thing that he does not
deserve. This is a clear act of dishonesty, and no
honest and conscientious person is expected to accept
such an intercession. However, some people believe
that their false gods would intercede on their behalf
with Allah and save them from the punishment they
deserve and get them the luxuries of the Hereafter
which they do not deserve. Allah does not accept such
unjust intercession. Neither can Allah be pressurized,
nor does He pronounce wrong decisions, nor can He
be deceived. His decisions are all just and are taken in
the light of His full and unfaltering knowledge. The
Holy Quran avers:
“Warn them of the Day that is (ever) drawing near,
when the Hearts will (come) right up to the throats to
choke (them); no intimate friend nor intercessor will
the wrongdoers have, who could be listened to. (Allah)
knows of (the tricks) that deceive with the eyes, and all
that the hearts (of men) conceal. And Allah will judge
with (justice and) Truth; but those whom (men) invoke
besides Him, will not (be in a position) to judge at all.
Verily, it is Allah (alone) Who hears and sees (all
things).” (40:18-20)
On the other hand, it is mentioned in the Quran
that intercession of the Prophets, particularly Prophet
Muhammad, and other virtuous men will be accepted
by Allah on behalf of those Muslims who had
committed sins and had become eligible for
punishment. But this intercession will not be without
conditions. Only those persons will be allowed to
intercede who have been permitted by Allah to do so
and those persons will also be identified on whose
behalf intercession is to be made.
“The day We shall gather the righteous to (Allah) Most
Gracious, like a band presented before a king for
honours. And We shall drive the sinners to hell, like
thirsty cattle driven down to water – none shall have
the power of intercession, but such a one as has
received permission (or promise) from (Allah) Most
Gracious.” (The Quran, 19:85-87).
“And they say: (Allah) Most Gracious has begotten
offspring. Glory to Him! They are (but) servants raised
to honour. They speak not before He speaks, and they
act (in all things) by His command. He knows what is
before them, and what is behind them, and they offer
no intercession except for those who are acceptable,
and they stand in awe and reverence of His (glory). If
any of them should say, ‘I am a god besides Him,’ such
a one We should reward with Hell; thus do We reward
those who do wrong.
The Holy Quran also points out the kind of
persons in favour of whom intercession will never be
“Every soul will be (held) in pledge for its deeds,
except the Companions of the Right Hand. (They will
be) in Gardens (of Delight); they will question each
other, and (ask) of the Sinners: ‘What led you into
Hell-Fire?’ They will say: ‘We were not of those who
prayed; nor were we of those who fed the indigent; but
we used to talk vanities with vain talkers; and we used
to deny the Day of Judgement, until there came to us
(the Hour) that is certain.’ Then will no intercession of
(any) intercessors profit them.” (74:38-48).

There is none like Allah.

There is none like Allah.

Since the universe and everything found in it, are
the creations of Allah, none can be like Him. The
Quran declares:
“(Allah is) the Creator of the heavens and the earth;
He has made for you pairs from among yourselves,
and pairs among cattle; by this means does He
multiply you; there is nothing whatever like unto Him,
and He is the One that hears and sees (all things).”
“Say: He is Allah, the One and Only; Allah, the
Eternal, Absolute; He begets not, nor is He begotten;
and there is none like unto Him.” (112:1-4).

Allah alone has the Knowledge of Everything.

Allah alone has the Knowledge of Everything.

No other creature or entity in the world knows
everything both seen and unseen except Allah. The
Holy Quran states:
“And whether you hide your word or publish it, He
(Allah) certainly has (full) knowledge of the secrets of
(all) hearts. Should He not know what He created?
And He is the One that understands the finest mysteries
(and) is well-acquainted (with them.)” (67:13-14)
“With Him (Allah) are the keys of the Unseen, the
treasures that none knows but He. He knows whatever
there is on the earth and in the sea. Not a leaf does fall
but with His knowledge; there is not a grain in the
darkness (or depths) of the earth, nor anything fresh or
dry (green or withered), but is (inscribed) in a Record
Clear (to those who can read).” (6:59).

Allah alone has the Power and Authority over Loss and Gain.

Allah alone has the Power and Authority over Loss and Gain.

The Holy Quran teaches that Allah has the
supreme authority over all things including the loss
and gains that man encounters in his life, and that man
should trust only Allah and should believe that Allah
alone has the authority to effect loss and gains in his
“They have taken, besides Him (Allah), gods that can
create nothing but are themselves created; that have
no control of hurt or good to themselves; nor can they
control death nor life nor resurrection.” (25:3)
In another place, it is stated:
“Do not call on any other than Allah that will neither
profit you nor hurt you; if you do so, behold, you shall
certainly be of those who do wrong. If Allah do touch
you with hurt, there is none can remove it but He; if He
do design some benefit for you, there is none can keep
back His favour; He causes it to reach whomsoever of
His servants He pleases. And He is the Oft-Forgiving,
Most Merciful.” (The Quran, 10:106-107)
Explaining the aforesaid Verses further, Prophet
Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:
“When you seek help, seek help only from Allah and
trust (him); if all people would like to benefit you they
would not be able to do so except that which Allah has
destined for you, and if all the people would like to hurt
or harm you, they would not be able to do so except that
which Allah has ordained for you.” (Tirmizi).

Life and Death are in the Hands of Allah alone.

Life and Death are in the Hands of Allah alone.

The Holy Quran declares that, as with other things,
Allah has the authority over life and death too. None
can stop a birth taking place or the occurrence of
“How can you reject the faith in Allah seeing that you
were without life, and He gave you life; then will He
cause you to die, and will again bring you to life; and
again to Him will you return?” (2:28).

Allah alone is the Legislator of Law.

Allah alone is the Legislator of Law.

As the Monarch and Sovereign of the universe,
Allah alone has the right to formulate and legislate
laws for His creatures, particularly for man. The Holy
Quran avers:
“All authority to govern rests only with Allah. He has
commanded that you serve none but Him.” (12:40).
Servitude of Allah encompasses both His worship
and obedience to his Law. It is the duty of the servant
or a slave to work according to the will of his master
and never go against his will; man being the slave of
Allah, he has to lead his life according to the Will of
Allah and never deviate from it.

Allah alone Listens to our Supplications and Fulfills Them.

Allah alone Listens to our Supplications and Fulfills Them.

When Allah is the Master, the Cherisher, the
Sustainer and the Absolute Ruler of the universe and
owns everything in it, He alone can eliminate our
difficulties and sufferings, and fulfill all our needs.
The Holy Quran affirms:
“Who listens to the (soul) distressed when it calls on
Him, and who relieves its sufferings, and makes you
(mankind) inheritors of the earth? (Can there be
another) god besides Allah? Little it is that you heed!
Who guides you through the depths of darkness on
land and sea, and who sends the winds as heralds of
glad tidings, going before His mercy? (Can there be
another) god besides Allah? High is Allah above what
they associate with Him!” (27:62-63)
“Verily those whom you call upon besides Allah are
servants like unto you. Call upon them, and let them
listen to your prayer, if you are (indeed) truthful!”

Allah alone is the Cherisher and the Sustainer.

Allah alone is the Cherisher and the Sustainer.

Ponder over the following Verses of the Holy
Quran which explain that Allah alone is the Cherisher
and the Sustainer of the entire universe and everything
that He has created in it:
“Don’t you see that Allah sends down rain from the
sky, and leads it through springs in the earth? Then He
causes to grow therewith, produce of various colours;
then it withers; you will see it grow yellow; then he
makes it dry up and crumble away. Truly, in this, is a
Message of remembrance to men of understanding.”
“Say: Who is it that sustains you (in life) from the sky
and from the earth? Or who is it that has power over
hearing and sight? And who is it that brings out the
living from the dead and the dead from the living? And
who is it that rules and regulates all affairs? They will
soon say: “Allah.” Say: Will you not then show piety
(to Him)?” (10:31.
In short, health, progeny, knowledge, loss and
gain, wealth and everything is bestowed by Allah

Allah alone is the Absolute Ruler.

 Allah alone is the Absolute Ruler.

When Allah is the Creator and Master of the
universe, then the right to be the Absolute Ruler also
belongs to Allah alone. The Holy Quran declares:
“Is it not His to create and to govern? Blessed be
Allah, the Cherisher and Sustainer of the Worlds.”
“Say: ‘Praise be to Allah, Who begets no son, and has
no partner in (His) dominion; nor (needs) He any to
protect Him from humiliation: Yea, magnify Him for
his greatness and glory.” (17:111).

Allah alone is the Master.

Allah alone is the Master.

Allah alone is the Master of the universe and
everything contained in it. The Holy Quran says:
“Your Guardian-Lord is Allah, Who created the
heavens and the earth in six Days, then He established
Himself on the Throne (of authority); He draws the
night as a veil over the day, each seeking the other in
rapid succession; He created the sun, the moon, and
the stars, (all) governed by laws under His Command.
Is it not His to create and to govern? Blessed be Allah,
the Cherisher and Sustainer of the Worlds!” (7:54)
“To Allah belongs all that is in the heavens and on
earth.” (2:284)
“Praise be to Allah, the Cherisher and Sustainer of the
Worlds.” (1:1)
Lord means master, monarch, and absolute ruler.
The Quran avers:
“Say, ‘Call upon other (gods) whom you fancy, besides
Allah; they have no power – not the weight of an atom
– in the heavens or on earth; no (sort of) share have
they therein, nor is any of them a helper to Allah.”

Allah alone is the Creator.

 Allah alone is the Creator.

According to the Islamic perception of God, Allah
alone is the Creator of everything. Those entities
whom people believe to be the creators are not the real
creators but are all creatures, and obviously creatures
cannot be creators. The Holy Quran avers:
“(Who) is better? Allah or the false gods they
associate (with Him)? Or, who has created the heavens
and the earth, and who sends you down rain from the
sky? Yea, with it We cause to grow well-planted
orchards full of beauty and delight; it is not in your
power to cause the growth of the trees in them. (Can
there be another) god besides Allah? Nay, they are a
people who swerve from justice. Or, who has made the
earth firm to live in; made rivers in its midst; set
thereon mountains immovable, and made a separating
bar between the two bodies of flowing water? (Can
there be another) god besides Allah? Nay, most of
them know not.” (27:59-61).

Sunday 22 January 2017

worldly advantages of istighfar.

worldly advantages of istighfar.

if anyone occupies himself in istighfar then allah will make out a way for him from every difficulty, turn all his sorrows into happiness and will grant him
sustenance from a source wherefrom he had not even expected sustenance. {ahmad}. ref..the pearls of hadith darul ishaat

glad tidings for continuous istighfar.

glad tidings for continuous istighfar.

there is glad tidings for the person who finds in his book (record of deeds) a plethora of istighfar (seeking of allah's forgiveness). {ibn majah}. ref..the pearls of hadith darul ishaat

reward for sick visit.

 reward for sick visit. 

he who goes to visit a sick person gets into (the canopy of) mercy. then as he sits (next to the patient), he is submerged into mercy. {ahmad}. ref..the pearls of hadith darul ishaat

merit of joining ties of relationship.

 merit of joining ties of relationship.

(1) he who desires that his provision should be multiplied and his age should increase, should join ties of relationship. {bukhari}.
(2) my lord has commanded me to do nine things.
1. fear allah in private and public.
2. speak a just word in anger and in pleasure.
3. spend moderately in affluence and in poverty.
4. and, if anyone breaks ties with me, i should preserve ties with him intact.
5. and, if anyone deprivs me (of my rights), i should give him.
6. and, if anyone wrongs me, i should forgive him.
7. and, my silence should be to think and ponder.
8. and, my speech should be the remembrance (of allah), and
9. my outlook should be (the sight of) taking a lesson. and ( i am also commanded that i should do good). {razeen}.
(3) one who breaks bonds of relationship will not enter paradise. {bukhari}. ref..the pearls of hadith darul ishaat

rank of elder brother.

 rank of elder brother.

the right of the elder brother over the younger is like the right of a father over his children. {bayhaqi}. ref..the pearls of hadith darul ishaat

kindness to parents.

 kindness to parents.

(1) the pleasure of allah lies in the pleasure of the father and the displeasure of allah lies in the displeasure of the father.{tirmizi}. 
(2) of the gates of paradise, the father is the best gate. now, it is upto you whether you take care of this gate or you lose it. ref..the pearls of hadith darul iahaat

Saturday 21 January 2017

reward for umrah in ramadan.

reward for umrah in ramadan.

(1) an umrah performed in ramadan is like a hajj. {bukhar, muslim}.
(2) to perform umrah in ramadan is like performing hajj with me. {targheeb wa al-tarheeb}. ref..the pearls of hadith darul ishaat

pardon of sins and deliverance from want.

pardon of sins and deliverance from want.

let hujj and umrah follow one upon the other because they surely eliminate want and sins in the same way as the fire kiln removes rust and impurities from iron, gold and silver.
and the reward for a hajj that is accepted is nothing else but paradise. {tirmizi}. ref..the pearls of hadith darul ishaat

four important deeds in ramadan.

 four important deeds in ramadan.

(1) frequent repetition of (there is no god but allah).
(2) continuous occupation in istighfar (seeking allah's forgiveness).
(3) asking for paradise.
(4) asking for deliverance from hell. {saheeh ibn khuzaymah}. ref..the pearls of hadith darul ishaat

reward for feeding animals.

reward for feeding animals.

the virtuous sadaqah is that you feed a hungry animal to a full belly. {bayhaqi}. ref..the pearls of hadith darul ishaat

reward for spending on family.

reward for spending on family.

if a muslim spends on his family with intention of earning a reward then that is for him (the reward of) a sadaqah. {bukhari, muslim}. ref..the pearls of hadith darul ishaat
reward on giving old garment as sadaqah.

a person will remain in the protection of allah who will conceal his faults if he gives away his old garments in sadaqah..{tirmizi}. ref..the pearls of hadith darul ishaat

the shade of sadaqah.

 the shade of sadaqah.

on the day of resurrection, until a judgement is passed on people, everyone will be under the shade of his sadaqah. {ibid}. ref..the pearls of hadith darul ishaat

excellence of clothing someone.

excellence of clothing someone.

(1) if a muslim clothes another muslim while he has no garments then allah will give him the green garments of paradise to wear. and if a muslim gives water to a
thirsty muslim then allah will give him raheeq makhtoom to drink. {abu dawood}.
(2) if a muslim clothes another muslim then he will be in the protection of allah for so long as even a piece of that garment lies on the other's body. {ahmad, tirmizi}. ref..the pearls of hadith darul ishaat

spend on the creatures allah will spend on you.

spend on the creatures allah will spend on you.

allah has said, o man you spend (on others) and i will spend on you. {bukhari, muslim}. ref..the pearls of hadith darul ishaat

virtues of giving time to debtor.

virtues of giving time to debtor.

if anyone gives respite to a hard-pressed (debtor) or writes off the debt (full or part of it) then (on the day of resurrection) allah will place him in the shade of his throne when there
will be no shade other than its shade. {tirmizi}. ref..the pearls of hadith. darul ishaat

reward on giving a loan.

reward on giving a loan.

if a muslim advances loan to another muslim once then it is as though he gave sadaqah of that much money two times (and he gets reward accordingly). {ibn majah}. ref..the pearls of hadith. darul ishaat

reward against offering isha and fajr with congregation.

reward against offering isha and fajr with congregation.

he who offers the salah of isha with the congregation is like one who stood in salah for half of the night, as for him who offers the fajr salah with
the congregation is as one who engaged in salah all the night. {muslim}. ref..the pearls of hadith. darul ishaat

Friday 20 January 2017

who does the devil seize?

who does the devil seize?

if there are three men  in any locality or desert but they do not observe congregational salah then the devil will overtake them.
hence, you must keep with the jam.a,ah (community) because the sheep that separates from the herd is devoured by the wolf. {ahmad}. ref..the pearls of hadith. darul ishaat

reward for congregational prayers.

 reward for congregational prayers.

(1) the congregational prayer is more excellent than individual prayer by twenty-seven degrees. {bukhari}.
(2) another hadith tells us: to join one man in sAlah is better than to pray alone. to join two men in salah is better than joining one in prayer.
the more the number, the dearer it is to allah. {abu dawood}. ref..the pearls of hadith. darul ishaat
rewards against going for the fard salah.

the reward of the man who purifies himself and goes out of his house to offer the fard salah is like the pilgrim's who assumes the ihram.
the reward for the person who prepares for the duhu (or chaast) salah, without having in mind anything besides that, is like the reward for one who performs umrah.
a salah which follows another salah without indecent and vain talk inbetween is recorded in the illiyyeen. {ahmad}. ref..the pearls of hadith. darul ishaat

reckoning will begin with salah.

 reckoning will begin with salah.

surely, the first thing about which accounts will be taken from a man on the day of resurrection is salah (prayers).
if, that turns out well then he is successful and fortunate but if there is deficiency in salah then he will be hopeless and at a loss. if there is
shortcoming in his obligatory duties. allah will say, see whether my slave has some optionals in his name. so, (if he has them among his deeds) the shortcomings in the obligations will
be offset through the optionals. then accounts for zakah will be taken in this same manner followed by scrutiny of other deeds. {abu dawood}. ref..the pearls of hadith. darul ishaat

value of asr salah.

 value of asr salah.

he who misses his asr prayer suffers so much loss as though his family and property have perished. {buukhari}. ref..the pearls of hadith. darul ishaat

virtue of tahiyat ul wadu.

 virtue of tahiyat ul wadu.

if a muslim perfor ablution and does it well and follows it with two raka'at salah keeping his concentration fully on the prayer outwardly and
inwardly then paradise becomes wajib (obligatory) for him. {muslim}. ref..the pearls of hadith. darul ishaat

sins forgiven through ablution.

sins forgiven through ablution.

as for him who performs ablution, and does it very well, the (minor) sins are removed from his body even from below his nails. {bukhari, muslim}. ref..the pearls of hadith darul ishaat
jewel of a believer.

( in paradise, ) the jewel of a believer will reach to the place where the water of ablution reaches.{muslim}. ref..the pearls of hadith. darul ishaat

the obligation and virtues of taharah (purification).

the obligation and virtues of taharah (purification).

(1) the key to paradise is salah (prayer). and the key to salah lies in purificion. {ahmad).
(2) according to another version, purification is half faith. {tirmizi}.
(3) salah without purification is not accepted and sadaqah (charity) from wealth that is misappropriated is not accepted. {muslim}. ref..the pearls of hadith. darul ishaat
the world is a prison for the believer.

the world is the believer's prison and it is for him a (place of) famine. when he separates from the world, he gains freedom from his prison.{sharah as sunnah}. ref..the pearls of hadith. darul ishaat
reward against pain and tiredness, sorrow and difficulty.

(1) whatever a muslim faces by way of pain, tiredness, worry, anxiety or trouble-even if it be a thorn that pricks him once,
allah surely recompenses him by turning that as an expiation of his sins. {bukhari and muslim}.
(2) it is very peculiar with a believer. surely everything with him is commendable and no one else besides him has a share in it. if he is happy, he thanks and
that is better for him. and if he suffers difficulty, he endures patiently and this (too) is better for him.{muslim). ref..the pearls of hadith. darul ishaat

A BELIEVER’S BELLY CANNOT FILL WITH LISTENING TO pious talk so that the final result is that he is in paradise. {tirmizi}. ref..the pearls of hadith. darul ishaat