Monday 23 January 2017

Scenes of the Day of Judgement.

Scenes of the Day of Judgement.

Some of the scenes of the Day of Judgement as
described by the Quran are as follows:
“When the sky is cleft asunder; when the stars are
scattered; when the oceans are suffered to burst forth;
and when the graves are turned upside down – (Then)
shall each soul know what it has sent forward and
(what it has) kept back.” (82:1-5)
“He questions: ‘When is the Day of Resurrection?’ At
the length, when the sight is dazed, and the moon is
buried in darkness, and the sun and moon are joined
together – that Day will man say: ‘Where is the
refuge?’ By no means! No place of safety! Before your
Lord (alone), that Day will be the place of rest. That
Day will man be told (all) that he put forward, and all
that he put back.” (75:6-13)
“They see the (Day) indeed as a far-off (event); but We
see it (quite) near. The Day that the sky will be like
molten brass, and the mountains will be like wool, and
no friend will ask after a friend, though they will be put
in sight of each other – the sinner’s desire will be:
Would that he could redeem himself from the Penalty
of that Day by (sacrificing) his children, his wife and
his brother, his kindred who sheltered him, and all, all
that is on earth – so it could deliver him. By no means!
For it would be the Fire of Hell, plucking out (his
being) right to the skull!” (70:6-16)
“When the earth is shaken to its (utmost) convulsion,
and the earth throws up its burdens (from within), and
man cries (distressed): ‘What is the matter with it?’ –
On that Day will it declare its tidings; for that your
Lord will have given it inspiration. On that Day will
men proceed in companies sorted out, to be shown the
deeds that they (had done). Then shall anyone who has
done an atom’s weight of good, see it! And anyone who
has done an atom’s weight of evil, shall see it.”(99:1-8)
“At length, when there comes the Deafening Noise –
that Day shall a man flee from his own brother, and
from his mother and his father, and from his wife and
his children. Each one of them, that Day, will have
enough concern (of his own) to make him indifferent to
the others.” (80:33-37).

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