Monday 23 January 2017

Scenes and Nature of Hell as described in the Sayings of the Prophet.

Scenes and Nature of Hell as described in the Sayings of the Prophet.

The Prophet of Allah said: “Among the people of Hell,
the person who gets the lightest of punishments would
be that whose sandals and their laces would be of fire,
because of which his brain would boil as a vessel boils
on a stove, and he would presume that none other
suffers more than him, though he would be getting the
lightest of punishment of all the people of Hell.”
(Bukhari and Muslim).
The Prophet of Allah said: “Zaqqoom (a highly
poisonous tree which grows in Hell) would be the food
of the people of Hell. If just a drop of it were to drop
on the earth, it would spoil every life-supporting thing
on the face of the earth. Hence, how would a person
fare whose food is just Zaqqoom.” (Tirmizi).

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