Monday 23 January 2017

Scenes and Nature of Paradise as described in the Sayings of the Prophet.

Scenes and Nature of Paradise as described in the Sayings of the Prophet.

Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) has
further elaborated and described the nature, grandeur
and lavishness of Paradise as follows:
The Prophet of Allah said: “A proclaimer addressing
the residents of Paradise will proclaim: You shall
always remain here healthy, shall never fall ill, shall
live forever and shall not face death; you shall always
remain young and shall never grow old; you shall
always be in comfort and shall never encounter any
hardship or sorrows.” (Muslim)
The Prophet of Allah said: “A small place measuring
just a whip in Paradise is better than the world and
everything in it.” (Abu Huraira: Bukhari and Muslim)
The Prophet of Allah said that the best gift that
Allah would bestow on the residents of paradise would
be His Countenance:
The Prophet of Allah said: “When those eligible for
Paradise reach their respective destinations, Almighty
Allah will ask them: ‘Do you require anything else?’
They will reply: ‘(O our Lord), have You not illumined
our faces, have You not admitted us into the Paradise,
and have You not rescued us from the Fire (what else
we require)?’ Then suddenly the veil will be lifted and
the residents of Paradise shall see their Lord, and for
them nothing shall be more dear (and precious) than
seeing their Lord.” (Muslim).

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