Sunday 5 February 2017

Qualities of true believers.

Qualities of true believers.

 ..Fear ALLAH,
And keep straight the relations between yourselves:
Obey ALLAH and His Messenger, if ye do believe.
Believers are those who, when ALLAH is mentioned, fell a tremor in their hearts, and when they hear His revelations rehearsed, find their faith strengthened,
and put (all) their trust in their Lord;
Who establish regular prayers
and spend (freely) out of the gifts We have given them for sustenance:
Such in truth are the Believers..{8:2-4}.

   Those that
*  Turn (to ALLAH) in repentance; that
*  Serve Him, and
*  praise Him; that
*  wander in devotion to Cause of ALLAH; that
*  bow down and prostrate themselves in prayer, that
*  enjoin good and forbid evil; and
*  observe the limits set by ALLAH,
   (these do rejoice), So proclaim the glad tidings to the Believers.{9:112}.

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