Sunday 5 February 2017

Those Who Worked Righteous Deeds, for them are Ranks Exalted in Hereafter.

Those Who Worked Righteous Deeds, for them are Ranks Exalted in Hereafter.

Such as come to Him as Believers who have worked righteous deeds, for them are ranks exalted, Gardens of Eternity, beneath which flow rivers: they will dwell therein for Aye: such is the reward of those who purify themselves (from evil).{20:75.76}.

There would be different ranks of the heavenly according to their weight of their good deeds. 

See how We have bestowed more on some than on others; but verily the Hereafter is more in rank and gradation and more in excellence.{17:21}. 

To all are degrees (or ranks) according to their deeds.{6:132}. 

We have given the Book for inheritance to such of Our servants as We have chosen: but there are among them some who wrong their own souls; some who follow a middle course; and some who are, by Allah's leave, foremost in good deeds; that is the highest Grace.{35:32}. 

On Judgement day Mankind Will Be Divided into Various Groups.

Ye shall be sorted out into three classes. 
Then (there will be) the Companions of the Right Hand: 
What will be the Companions of the Right Hand? 
And the Companions of the Left Hand, what will be the Companions of the Left Hand And those Foremost (in Faith)..{56:7-10}. 

The Paradise in Which Foremost Will Be Given Entry (1st Category). 

Those Foremost (in Faith) will be foremost (in the Hereafter). 
These will be those Nearest to ALLAH: 
In Gardens of Bliss: 
A number of people from those of old, 
And a few from those of later times. 
(They will be) on couches encrusted (with gold and precious stones), 
Reclining on them, facing each other. 
Round about them will (serve) youths of perpetual (freshness), 
With goblets, (shining) beakers, and cups (filled) out of clear-flowing fountains: 
No after-ache will they receive therefrom, nor will they suffer intoxication: 
And with fruits, any that they may select; 
And the flesh of fowls, any that they may desire. 
And (there will be) Companions with beautiful, big, and lustrous eyes, 
Like unto Pearls well-guarded. 
A Reward for the Deeds of their past (Life). 
No frivolity will they hear therein, nor any Mischief, 
Only the Saying, Peace Peace.{56:10-27}. 

The Paradise to Which People of The Right Hand Will Be Admitted (2nd Category). 

The Companions of the Right Hand, what will be the Companions of the Right Hand 
(They will be) among Lote-trees without thorns, 
Among Talh trees with flowers (or fruits) piled one above another, 
In shade long-extended, 
By water flowing constantly, 
And fruit in abundance. 
Whose season is not limited, nor (supply) forbidden, 
And on couches raised high. 
We have created them of special creation. 
And made them virgin-pure (and undefiled), 
Full of love (for their mates) equal in age, 
For the Companions of the Right Hand. 
A (goodly) number from those of old, 
And a (goodly) number from those of later times.{56:27-40}. 

Where Those of The Left Hand Will Dwell (3rd Category). 

The Companions of the Left Hand, what will be the Companions of the Left Hand 
(They will be) in the midst of a fierce Blast of Fire and in Boiling Water, 
And in the shades of Black Smoke: 
Neither cool nor refreshing.. 
Then will ye truly, O ye that go wrong, and deny (the truth) 
Ye will surely taste of the Tree of Zaqqum. 
Then will ye fill your insides therewith, 
And drink Boiling Water on top of it: 
Indeed ye shall drink Like diseased camels raging with thirst 
Such will be their entertainment on the Day of Requital 
It is We Who have created you: why will ye not admit the Truth?. {56:41-44, 51-57}.

Some People Will Be on The Heights Between Paradise and Hell (4th Category).

Between them shall be a veil, and on the Heights will be men who would know everyone by his marks: they will call out to the Companions of the Garden, Peace be upon you they have not entered it, but they still hoped to (enter it)..{7:46}. 

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